Chapter Eighteen: Shadows Fall

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I returned to the room that me and Robert had slept in. He had packed his bags, and Roxy had brought her things as well. One thing was for sure- she didn't travel light. She had two big bags and a large pastel pink purse. She came over and sat them next to me and Robert's shared bag. He had packed up our bag, and glared at Roxy's three unnecessary ones.
"Roxy, are you really bringing all that?"
She turned to him with a shocked look "Well of course! It's all my essentials..."
"Well, neither me or Clarissa are going to carry your bags so you had better know what to do with those..."
Robert was obviously skeptical about Roxy. Although she was young & naive, I still thought she could be useful.
Roxy lifted her bags onto her back, a huge backpack strapped to her shoulders, her large purse on her arm, and a medium, pink bag clipped to the backpack. As she spread out her wings, I doubted if she would be able to take off.
Despite my doubts, the three of us lined up at the windows edge; with me putting on a new hoodie that Robert had gotten me as to block out the crisp air blowing into the room; and Robert looking confident with his natural "I'm the leader" stature and his messy-but-perfect dark hair; and Roxy standing with us, looking as if she were about to topple over from the weight of her bags.
"Are you ready Clarissa?"
I heard Robert's voice ring out and snap me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah- yes, of course"
I cursed at myself as I tripped over my words
"How about you Roxy?" He asked the young girl.
She answered with such a childish voice that I almost wanted to cover my ears. "Of course I'm ready!! Why wouldn't I be!?"
"Alright then Roxy, how about you go first?"
Roxy looked down and spread out her wings. She had a perfect stance, I'll give her that. She took a deep breath and jumped. As she caught a draft, the moon, still faintly glowing in the sky, silhouetted her against the dark skyline.
"Alright Clarissa, you next"
I got into my stance, and readied my wings. Staring up at the black and purple sky, I jumped.


Flying was one of the most beautiful things that I could imagine. I loved the take off, I loved the weightless feeling I always had when I flew. I loved how it felt when the wind rushed over my wings. I loved everything about it. I suddenly felt very reckless, and wanted to do something about it.
I went into a nose-dive toward the city streets below, pulling in my wings as I did so. I gathered an immense amount of speed, and I was coming in to the ground a bit fast..... About a hundred feet about traffic-light-level, I unfurled my wings and soared up. Looking down as I did so, I saw a dark alleyway that looked tempting. Promising myself that I wouldn't get into too much trouble, I headed towards it. I mean- I deserved it. After finding out who Robert was, I had been dying to get away from him, and now I had my chance. So I took it.
I flapped my wings a bit as to pick up speed. I wondered if Robert was even sixteen, like he had said back at Death&Decay. In the picture of him with the two harpie girls, they had been in a bar or a club, and he looked much older than he appeared now. I wondered how he pulled off his guise. Pushing the thought aside, I focused on my destination. It had only been about a half a mile away when I first saw it, and I was coming up on it now.
I swooped down into the alley way, discovering it was more of a shady street with a few rundown shops instead of an alley. I landed gracefully, which was new for me- wonder how I did that -and looked around the streets. The shops were shady alright, but very interesting. To the left, I saw a sign advertising for Althea's Shop Of Herbs And Potions. I wondered what it was like in there. Not too far to my right, I saw something even more interesting. The place was called the Scarlet Shadow, and had a pair of black wings bracketing the name. The wings looked much like mine and I was drawn towards it.
I walked up to the door- It was painted a dark blood-red, and had a small, open rectangle at eye level.
It looked like a club.
I knocked on the door, and I felt my wings tense up as I hear footsteps coming to the door. I realized my wings were folded against my back, but outside my clothes. Completely visible. However, with all the adrenaline rushing through me, I didn't care.
A moment later, a set of purple-black eyes were staring at me through the rectangle-slot.
I tiptoed to make eye-contact with the man on the other side of the door.
"Turn around"
His voice was deep and alluring. Even knowing that he would see my wings, I turned around.
He laughed softly.
"Alright come on in"
His voice seemed to hypnotize me, like I would do anything this man asked. I turned back around and took a step forward, tiptoeing again.
He gazed into my eyes. "So you're a newcomer huh?"
"What?" I asked in confusion.
"You've never been to a place like this before- you aren't quite one of us yet."
His eyes sparkled as I answered him "No. I've never been here before"
"Alright then darling, you're going to enjoy this" He began to unbolt the door from the inside, and I took a step back.
He opened the door, revealing himself as about six-foot, with soft, glistening black hair with purple, shimmering tips that matched his violet eyes. He was pale- white as a sheet. In fact, I realized I was actually a shade darker than him. He was gorgeous. And I nearly fell over when he smiled to reveal glistening white teeth, complete with fangs. So gorgeously macabre, so perfect. And I think he liked me.
He took my hand, guiding me past the threshold.
"What a gorgeous little half-demon you are.will you be all mine?" He smirked suggestively.
Talk about straight forward.
"What do you mean...'half-demon'? And 'be yours'?"
He gazed at me, and gently placed my arms around his neck, then quickly laced one of his arms under my knees, scooping me up off the ground.
"Well.... You're only a half-demon silly! You don't have your fangs yet!"

"Wait....harpies have fangs!? How do I get some?"
He was so gorgeous.
"You're a half demon, silly! And see, that's where YOU being MINE comes into play! You get your fangs by having another of your species who has fangs, to bite you and then, those two are bound forever. It's one of the strongest connections in the world.and that's also when both demons earn their immortality."
"So...almost like vampires?"
"Obviously, darling! That's what you are! Half demon, half vampire!!"
"Really?" I asked, feeling my eyes widen as I took in all of this new information.
"Yes. We are a mix between a black angel, which is an angel from hell, and a vampire."
"Well, why am I not insanely evil and deranged with power then?"
"Not all of us are evil, silly! So what do you say? Will you be mine?"
I thought about Robert for a minute. Tricking me, lying to my face, erasing my entire memory of my previous-and mostly likely comfortable-life. I knew my answer for this alluring man. Even if he was a little straight forward.
"Yes. I'd love to be yours."
He smiled such a happy smile, I couldn't remember seeing anyone this excited before.
"So then tell me- What's your name?" He asked gently.
"Im Clarissa! And you are?"
Still holding me, he leaned in and kissed me, causing my skin to feel like it was glistening. It was nothing like Robert had ever made me feel.
"My name, is Malevris" He said with a grin
Oh my god. Not only was the guy beautiful, but so was his name.
"Well are you ready to go inside Clarissa? It's the best club you'll ever experience"
The alley was cold and dark, and I was more than ready to step inside.
My head nearly burst- this place is a club! I was so ready.
"I sure am." I said with giddiness.
"Okay then my darling, but first- you need some new clothes."
I sighed with exasperation. Why did all of my excursions call for a wardrobe change?
"Wait- what!?!" I exclaimed. "Are they fancy? Or sexy? Do I finally get to wear sexy clothes!?!"
"Well Clarissa, that's your pick" He gave me a sly smile, and I knew what that meant.


We headed up a set of stairs that I hadn't noticed before. It went up three flights, but Malevris carried me the whole way.
God he was so strong.
At the top, there were 3 ways to go, one hall in the middle, where I could hear a thumping bass line, a door on my left, that didn't seem too ominous, and then there was another hallway to my right, except that one was lined with doors.
To a normal human being, this place would look like one of two things.
Either insanely trashy and gross or very shady and scary
But to me, it was just as beautiful and macabre as Malevris.
The walls were papered with red and black damask, and every door was marked with a set of black wings surrounded by purple shadows.
It was cold, smokey, shady and dark- I loved it.
Malevris set me down in front of the door to my left.
"In there is plenty of clothes, you should be able to find something you like"
"Okay, I'll be quick" I told him with a small smile.
"Okay. Oh!" He exclaimed.
"What is it?"
"Just pick out what you want, and you can keep it" He told me in his velvet voice.
"Really?" I asked, my voice trembling with excitement.
"How do you know if that's okay?"
"Well, let's just say I co-own the place"
I smiled a sly smile at him, and he smiled back.


Stepping into the room was my seventh heaven. Shutting the door behind me, I gazed in awe at the room.
All around I saw leather corsets and lace-up thigh-high boots. I saw corseted dresses and leather mini skirts and black tutus. All perfect for a vampire or a demon.
I dug in, mapping out my new wardrobe, grabbing almost anything in my size.
But to wear right now, I grabbed a black leather over-bust corset, and a purposely-ripped black tutu with random dark red splatters.
I took off my average clothes, and pulled on the new, sexier ones.
I was greatful for my petite size and tiny figure, because I was rocking the revealing corset and tutu.
Next I went to go find shoes. I picked out a pair of black leather lace-up thigh-high 3-inch boots.
Stepping over to a mirror, I looked myself over.
I looked perfect.
Just as a demon should.
Putting my old clothes in a hamper, I left the room to return to Malevris.

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