Chapter Twenty Two: Spells, Magic And Other Dark Things

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I let out an audible gasp.
I had blacked out, but obviously not for long because Malevris still had his fangs buried in my neck.
His eyes were shut as he drained my blood, but he cracked them open and gave me a seductive look.
I suddenly felt a burning, fiery pain in my neck that hadn't been there moments before.
I arched my back off the couch and groaned.
The pain- Oh the pain.
I head a clap of thunder outside, which made me jolt, resulting in Malevris's fangs sinking deeper into my neck.
He slowly moved from his awkward crouching position on the floor beside me- he kneeled over me on the sofa as I gently got out of my own, awkward-back-arched-position, and layed flat again. He had a leg on either side of me, and had one hand on the back of my head, and the other on my shoulder.I felt weak, and I knew he should be done by now. Not a moment later, he retracted his fangs from my neck, and began kissing me instead.
He softly kisses my neck and jaw, comforting me and easing the pain.It wasn't a seductive kind of kissing, but instead, a kind of I-love-you-and-I'm-here-for-you kind of kissing.
I was weak from having every drop of blood being drained from my body, and I let the sleepiness take over. As my eyes grew heavier, Malevris began to lift me up off the sofa, bridal-style. He placed me in an arm chair in our bedroom, waking me up slightly.
"You can't fall asleep now Darling, you need a drink"I acknowledged him, but kept my eyes shut.I heard him leave the bedroom and go to the living room. He was back within moments, and I opened my eyes to see what he was doing. He came over to me with a bottle of red liquid from the mini-fridge.
"Come on Clarissa, you have to drink."He brought the opened bottle to my lips, and force-fed me the cold liquid.
I thought it would taste repulsive, but it actually tasted quite delicious.
I mentally gagged at myself for even thinking that. But then again- I was a Scarlet Vampire.
With a renewed strength, I gently took the glass from Malevris's hands and downed it quickly. I finished, and opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.
"You are so beautiful." He murmured.
He said it so softly I could have sworn it was nothing more that the sound of the rain outside. A little louder now, he spoke again.
"You should try your fangs now darling.... they are quite fun"
"Oh! That's a good idea...." I whispered
I brought a finger to my parted lips, poking at my teeth, sure enough, there were fangs.
"Well are you ready? If you're not we can stay here of course."
Wait. what?
"Ready for what?"
I asked rather loudly.
"To go to the club. You're allowed to join the party now."
"Ohhh!!! Yes! I've been ready!!"
"Perfect...but would you like to see your reflection first?"
"Erm- I guess"
I was puzzled. I should look the same, right?
I got up and walked to the bathroom mirror. Much to my surprise, I did look different.
Obviously much more pale- and something else; I looked more mature somehow, and just a tad sexier.
I called.
"Yes darling?"
"How....h-how old are you?"
"Well, I would be twenty two, but I became a Scarlet at.....Seventeen. Why do you ask? Is something wrong?"
Oh my god. A sixteen-year-old and a twenty two-year-old. well.....technically...
Was that even legal?
"Uh, no! Nothing's wrong!"
"Okay, well are you ready to head down the hall? I'm sure the rest of the Scarlets would love to meet you!"
"Yeah! I'll just put on my shoes here." I told him nervously.
"Okay! I'll be waiting in the hall" He called out.
I heard footsteps and the sound of a door opening, and then clicking shut again. I glanced at my shadow-contrasted reflection one more time before heading into the living room to lace up my thigh-high boots.


Malevris guided me down the hall towards the main part of the club. The hall had more twists, turns, and forks than I had expected.
After a minute's worth of walking, we reached a set of large, pitch-black, wooden double doors, complete with the signature Scarlet Vampire shadow mark...
Malevris looked up at the ceiling and stared directly at a security camera perched up there.
A moment later, the large doors opened, revealing a huge room, filled with smoke, dim red lighting, amazing music, a bar, and plenty of gothic guests.
And of course, plenty of dark, shadowy corners.


"Well?" I asked. "what are we waiting for?!"
"Absolutely nothing!" Said Malevris with a smile.
With that, he took my hand and guided me into the swaying mosh-pit-like crowd.
"Sleepwalking" by Bring Me The Horizon was playing, and me and Malevris danced in time with the bass and the crowd.
I had so much energy rushing inside me, but at the same time, I felt insanely calm.
Maybe my un-beating heart was to blame.
But soon enough, the song switched to "I'm not a Vampire" by Falling In Reverse, which made all of us laugh.
Soon, the whole club was alive and beating, moshing to the hysterical song.
I got separated from Malevris, but I didn't fret.
The club had me in a pulsing trance.
That is, untill strong arms grabbed me from behind, and a hand covered my mouth.
An all too familiar voice whispered in my ear.
"Don't struggle, just come with me"
I heard it over the music, clear as day.
I tried to lash out, but the person holding me was strong.
I was picked up off the dance floor bridal-style, and a hand pressed my face into my captor's hair.
The scent was all too familiar.

I was carried off the danced floor and into a bathroom, where I was set down on the floor.
I didn't dare open my eyes, afraid of what I would see.
Of who I'd see.
"Open your eyes Clarissa. It's only me"
Only you- yeah right.
I felt a hand on my cheek, and I tried to twist away, resulting in banging my head against the bathroom wall.
It frustrated me even more that he sounded so sickeningly sweet.
"Open your eyes Luv"
Obeying his words, I let my eyes flutter open.
"There we go Luv."
My nickname made my heart flutter. Although I hated this liar, he knew how to get to me.
I stared into his dark green eyes and he stared back at me.
"Tell me Clarissa, Why did you run off like that? You could've gotten lost. Or hurt. Or killed."
"Why would you care?" I asked with an accusing tone.
He lowered his voice to a whisper, and his gaze became intense.
"Because I love you"
Liar. I could feel it. He lied about everything. I wasn't going to melt at his words just because I was a bit new to the world and the life I'm living.
But unfortunately for me, he was in control of our current situation.
He cupped my jaw with his hand, and pulled me in for a kiss.
I felt my face flush, though I knew my pallor would not change.
He kissed me with passion, stopping for air but then crashing down on me again like the ocean tides.He pulled back, and gazed at my darkened eyes. I must seem more alluring than ever, for he picked up my fragile body, and forcefully laid me on the bathroom floor.
He had me pinned down, almost sitting on top of me.I didn't want him to take this any further.
I wouldn't let him.
So I did one thing I know best- I pulled the innocent card.
My voice barely a whisper, I batted my eyelashes and wouldn't meet his gaze.
I made myself appear fragile and weak, when I was actually ready to pounce.
I let myself go limp beneath him.
"I'll ask you again baby...Why did you run off?" His voice sent chills down my spine- this was the man from the photograph.
"I-I was scared. you're alway so in-charge but I realized that I know nothing about you."
I let my voice strengthen after a moment, but kept my eyes shut.
"I was so confused, in this world that is so new before my eyes. It saddens me that the first person I met was a liar."
I spat out my last few words, and with my eyes still shut, I envisioned Robert with darkness suffocating him, making him cower in fear of what lurks within it. Make him fear the power that which he does not wield.
I envision the shadows snaking from my tightly-bound hands. I imagine it lifting Robert off of me, pinning him to the ground.
This is how I call upon my power.
This is how I wield the shadow.

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