Nerds and Dorks

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Updated 02/2023


Kim Jisoo's Apartment Complex: February 2016

"I'm not saying it's weird or anything, but I mean...Don't you want to stop relying on Mommy and Daddy Kim to pay your swanky apartment's bills?" Lalisa Manoban was never one to mince words.

Today was certainly no different.

Jisoo eyed her best friend with little enthusiasm. She envied the way the brunette always looked so damn good with her hair in a simple ponytail with adorning braids. So effortlessly cool, and relaxed, all the time.

Then again, Jisoo would be too, if she had her boss wrapped around her finger the way Lisa had.

But of course, Jisoo's bosses were curators, and patrons. They were a little harder to sleep with.

"No, Lisa." Jisoo rolled her eyes, hoping it added to the already dramatic effect she was trying for. "I adore being twenty-five and relying on my parents because my career in art is failing miserably."

Lisa shot her an amused smile, straightening out her leather jacket. "Okay, Jis, I get it. There's nothing wrong with relying on your parents, you know, but....I don't get it. Your art is so good."

Jisoo smiled as they approached her apartment door, turning her key into the hole with a chuckle. "Thanks, Manoban. Maybe if you and your boss get married and get loaded, you can buy all my pieces."

Lisa blushed at that, her cheeks matching her the crimson color of her jacket. "Okay, Jisoo. Shall we?" Lisa first headed to the fridge, swinging it open and grabbing herself a frosty bottle of beer. Then she tossed all the mail she'd been holding onto the barren coffee table, grabbing a seat beside Jisoo.

"It's a good thing you're good with numbers, or else I wouldn't let you mooch off my fridge so much." Jisoo grumbled.

"Yup." Lisa popped the 'p', tearing into the first set of envelopes.

"Trash, trash....trash." Jisoo mumbled, going through the white envelopes one by one. Each time she found something worthwhile, she'd slide it over to Lisa.

"" Jisoo suddenly breathed, dropping the envelope she'd torn into.

"What?" Lisa glanced up, brows furrowed in questioning. "Who died?"

"Me..." Jisoo shook her head frantically. "Please, kill me."

"Jis!" Lisa stood up, grabbing her shoulders. "What the hell?"

"Here." Jisoo reached into the envelope, throwing a glossy looking card at Lisa's unsuspecting hands. The card flitted down to the table, landing face up, like a butterfly bearing the mark of death.

Or, at least, that's how it looked to Jisoo.

"Holy shit..." Lisa breathed out with an amused smile. "Has it been five years already?"

Jisoo's eyes widened as she actually counted aloud, backwards, on her fingers. "I'm twenty-five, so....twenty-four, twenty-three....Twenty. Oh...yes."

Lisa barked out a laugh. "Nice! Where's the venue this time?"

Jisoo took the card up in her hand, holding it under the sharp ceiling light. It was a picture of basically everyone that once meant the world to her: Her parents, Lisa and every little friend of hers, all dressed up, from their last "family" reunion, a camping trip to Jeju.

Or, in other words, Jisoo's personal living hell.

Jisoo turned the card over, reading the words out slowly:

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