Home Part 2

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updated 02/2023


Jennie felt a hand tug at the leather bracelet she'd been staring at for the past hour and a half, and she immediately recoiled defensively, arm retracting as she shot a glare at her apparent thief.

Chaeyoung was there, in all her cocky glory, eyebrow raised, careful smile on her lips. "You won't be needing that, I guess." She motioned to Jisoo's bracelet sitting on Jennie's wrist, and Jennie bit back a sob.

Chaeyoung quickly saw the building moisture in her eyes and shook her head, sliding down onto the hard bench beside the girl, the noise of the airport intercom surprisingly active in the late evening.

"Whoa, shit..." Chaeyoung shook her head, enveloping Jennie into a firm hug. "Sorry, I should've known better than to joke with you right now."

Jennie blinked in response, swallowing the lump in her throat. Her wrist felt heavy with Jisoo's bracelet, like a burden she'd so horribly failed to carry. That was Jisoo's friendship, on her wrist. That was Jisoo's love, and the soft feel of Jisoo's lips, and Jisoo's touches that made her heart feel like it was eternally summer.

She felt a pang of remorse when she realized, once more, that she'd lost all that.

"You haven't answered any of our calls, or our texts." Chaeyoung huffed in annoyance.

" My phone is off. How'd you find me?" Jennie asked softly, rolling the leather absently between her fingers.

Chaeyoung squirmed slightly. "You want the truth?"

Jennie nodded slowly in response, sighing when Chaeyoung looked at her with a look of concern.

"Jisoo knew you'd be here."

"Of course." Jennie chuckled wryly, shaking her head. "Right, yeah. I suppose she would know that."

Chaeyoung bit her lip, rubbing Jennie's back slightly. "Jen?"


"Can I ask what happened, back there? Is that okay?"

Jennie shook her head. "I fucked it up, Chaeyoung."

"I know you seem to think so." Chaeyoung nodded slowly. "But...I don't exactly think that's what happened. Care to fill me in?"

Jennie sighed, gazing off into the bustling abyss that was the rolling doorway, her suitcase between her legs on the floor. Her brown hair was pulled up into a messy bun, and she'd realized, about halfway through her cab ride, that she was wearing Jisoo's sweater.

She'd allowed her tears to stain the sleeves as she'd wiped them away.

"I ran." When Jennie whispered the words, Chaeyoung nodded soothingly, likely the only one besides Jisoo who was well aware of Jennie's issues.

"I know." Chaeyoung nodded, coaxing it out of her. "Before that. Was it bad? Did you fight?"

Jennie looked away dreamily, her bottom lip trembling. " no, Chaeyoung...It was...She was..."

Chaeyoung smiled to herself, nodding. "You love her."

There wasn't a second of hesitation on Jennie's end. "I do."

"You have for a while now."

"Probably a year." Jennie whispered once more. "I don't know."

Chaeyoung's smile only grew as she allowed it all to tumble out of Jennie.

"Chaeyoung, I got scared." Jennie breathed in raggedly. "I panicked. I did the exact opposite of what I needed to do, I just...."

"Breathe, Jennie." Chaeyoung reminded, rubbing small circles in Jennie's back.

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