Get Kissing

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Updated 02/2023


"Chaeyoung, listen." Jennie's sigh of exasperation filled the crisp evening air, and it was music to Jisoo's ears.

Well, perhaps not the self-deprecating tone of the conversation, but Jennie's low, even voice was just...something else.

Kim Jisoo was not an eavesdropper.

Okay, so maybe she liked to listen in on the drama her friends would dish every now and then, but a fully-fledged eavesdropper? Certainly not.

Jisoo just happened to be airing and drying out some paintings on her balcony.

At the same time Jennie was out on hers, bothering Chaeyoung on the phone.

It was all just a coincidence.

It especially wasn't because Jisoo had gotten frustrated after knocking on Jennie's door several billion times without a response. That definitely wasn't it.

"Chaeyoung, I'm not giving up." Jennie sighed. Jisoo quietly took in her beautiful figure, leaned over the railing, phone in hand as she gazed off into the distant horizon. "It's just...It's going to become difficult to make ends meet. I mean, pretty soon...I think I'll have to move."

Jisoo felt her heart drop. Move?

Okay, now she was eavesdropping.

"No, Chaeyoung...I don't need your handouts. You've invested enough in this company." Jennie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

Jisoo bit her lip when one of her paintings began sliding over.

Her cover was blown.

She caught it, but not before it hit the balcony railing with a loud ding, causing Jennie to whip around in surprise.

Jisoo's cheeks burned as Jennie's gaze found her own in surprise.

"Chaeyoung? Can I call you back?" Jennie asked gently, an amused smile on her full lips. She hung up after that, coming over to the far end of her balcony, so that she was right beside Jisoo's.

"I have never found 'dork' to be a more fitting title for you." Jennie mused, folding her arms over the railing as she watched Jisoo salvage the painting sheepishly.

"Sorry for uh...ruining your call." Jisoo mumbled, glancing at the now very ruined rose she'd painted out of sheer boredom while Jennie hadn't answered her door.

"Sorry for ruining your painting." Jennie responded wryly. She knew she had a little hand in that.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "We both know it was my amazing hand eye coordination. Well great, guess I have to make a trip to the dumpster."

Jennie smirked. "Couldn't you just...stack it, like you do with all the other trash in your apartment?"

Jisoo stuck out her tongue childishly. "I'll have you know, I cleaned it out this morning."

"And you haven't invited me over?" Jennie teased in a faux hurt manner. "I'd love to see place."

Jisoo bit her lip. "Well...actually...I've been trying to get a hold of you like...All day."

Jennie glanced up in surprise, her lips forming a gentle frown. "Really?"

Jisoo nodded awkwardly. "Yeah...I uh...called, but I think you're busy with work stuff."

"Did you knock?" Jennie asked in surprise. Jisoo usually just walked in with leftover pizza whenever she wanted to hang out.

Jisoo watched the way the breeze gently tossed strands of Jennie's brunette hair behind her. She was glorious in the early evening glow. She wanted nothing more than to freeze that moment in time and capture her essence with the paints she had.

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