My Foot Slipped

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"Parting is such sweet sorrow"
And I miss you everyday my love.

updated 02/2023


By the time Jisoo and Jennie reached their room, they were both thoroughly exhausted from the trying experience of dinner with Jisoo's friends.

Jennie was still somewhat proud of her apparently extensive knowledge of Jisoo, cementing her place as her rightful best friend, as if there was any doubt to begin with.

Jisoo, on the other hand, had been pleasantly intrigued and confused by Jennie's brief display of passionate enthusiasm, and credited it to nothing more than nerves. It's not like Jennie had to be jealous of Bobby. Jisoo wasn't even interested in him.

Jisoo, while fumbling with the keycard in the slit of the lock, decided to mildly press Jennie for information, since they'd mostly discussed the food (which was mainly Jisoo's doing), on the way up.

"Jisoo, may I help you?" Jennie asked softly, amusedly watching Jisoo struggle.

She hadn't even had anything to drink, she just didn't have what Jennie called the "magic touch" when it came to inserting the keycard properly.

Jisoo had later made a joke saying she'd show Jennie how magical her touch could be, earning herself a smack on the arm and an eye roll.

"Sure." Jisoo mumbled dejectedly, handing Jennie the card. "Have at it."

Jennie chuckled, stepping forward, sliding the card through in one motion, becoming cheekier by the second as the small light blinked green and she held the door open for Jisoo.

"Thanks." Jisoo muttered teasingly, snatching the key from her as she made a beeline for the bedroom, eager to take her heels off.

"Jisoo?" Jennie asked tentatively. "Are you changing, or-?"

"Jennie, please." Jisoo rolled her eyes, stepping through the doorframe to grab Jennie's wrist, pulling her into the room. "We're not those awkward friends who have to avoid each other. I'll just take the bathroom."

Jennie nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat as she removed her own heels. She watched Jisoo pick up a few pieces of clothing from the dresser she'd unpacked everything into earlier, and then march into the bathroom, closing the door slightly.

"So." Jennie paused for a moment, sliding the straps off her shoulders as she set about changing. "When you said a family reunion, I'll admit, this isn't what I pictured."

"You pictured my family? Gross." Jisoo's teasing call echoed in the bathroom.

Jennie shook her head, well aware that Jisoo couldn't see. "Jisoo." She sighed. "You know what I mean."

"What? You pictured great aunts and uncles and just a bunch of wrinkly people in general, pinching my cheeks?" Jisoo replied, laughing a little at the sight she'd conjured in her mind.

"Well, yes." Jennie admitted, pulling on her nightgown: a short black dress with a thin, breathable material, and a slit on the left leg. She hadn't considered how...risqué it might have looked until the moment she saw herself in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door, where Jisoo changed on the other side.

"Nope." Jisoo's voice sounded muffled, and then came a grunt. "That's...Ugh, that's my family. They're- Uh- all friends, really. We're all just- Dammit! We're all close."

Jennie's brows furrowed in absolute confusion. "...Jisoo?" She questioned.

Whatever Jisoo was up to, it sounded...dirty.

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