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"You entered my world and rocked it"
I love you baby

updated 02/2023


"Wow." Jennie's eyes widened as they took in the sight of the expansive suite before her, complete with a balcony, a spa-like bathroom, and a master bed that put Jisoo and Jennie's apartments to shame. ""

Jisoo rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Ugh. Sorry. My mom must not have heard me when I told her to get two beds. She wants grandchildren."

Jennie lifted a sculpted brow, cheeks reddening almost instantly.

Jisoo shrugged casually, as if it were a question she answered every day. "The woman's a doctor, but doesn't seem to get basic biology." She made her way over to the welcome basket, completely with pre-sliced pineapple, on display on the main counter.

Jennie chuckled, watching Jisoo's reflection off the polished marble of the counter, taking a step towards her. "It's fine. I'll just sleep on the couch."

Jisoo rolled her eyes, turning to Jennie with a piece of pineapple in her hand. "Shut up." She mumbled through her full mouth, stuffing the piece into Jennie's with a smirk.

Jennie immediately reddened once more, wondering if wearing blush was even necessary if she was going to be spending all her time with Kim Jisoo. She bit down on the fruit, savoring the sweet juices that flooded into her mouth.

"You get off on pineapple?" Jisoo raised a brow, leaning back against the counter with an amused look.

Jennie hadn't realized her eyes were closed in pleasure. She opened them, glancing up in surprise. "I...what?"

"You were moaning." Jisoo teased, eyes glimmering with wry amusement. "Good to know."

Jennie shook her head, stepping away from Jisoo, turning towards the bedroom, yanking her suitcase from the front of the door. "You are incorrigible." She muttered, hoping Jisoo wouldn't notice the way she almost stumbled over her words.

Jisoo grinned, following her into the bedroom, dragging her own suitcase behind her. "Nice digs, right?"

Jennie nodded, making her way over to her suitcase, kneeling as she unzipped it.

"What are you up to?" Jisoo as with a huff as she sat back onto the bed, feeling out the mattress like an excited twelve-year-old.

"What does it look like, Jisoo?" Jennie replied. "Unpacking."

Jisoo grinned, sitting up. "Oh, this is classic Jennie."

Jennie wheeled around, unaware that she was holding a bra. "What is?"

Jisoo's eyes widened. "Whoa, you brought lingerie? Jen, is there something you want to tell me?" She teased.

Jennie's eyes widened as she dropped the lacy bra, watching it fall into her suitcase with a soft thud. "Jisoo!" She sighed, bending over. "It's not...lingerie." She mumbled, setting back to taking out her clothes, which looked like they were organized by color, size, use, and possibly something else Jisoo couldn't think of. "I...I didn't know what kind of clothes would be needed, so I simply prepared, for the...event, that might...I don't know!" Jennie huffed.

Jisoo chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "Relax, I'm kidding. Is this your idea or foreplay? Rambling?"

Jennie blushed profusely. "Kim Jisoo, you can sleep on the couch tonight." She scolded teasingly, watching as Jisoo hopped off the bed, turning to her suitcase.

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