Secondhand Heartbreak

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I love you so much baby

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I love you so much baby... Here's another drawing... You're probably tired of them by now but this is my way of showing you how much i love you. Anyways i love you love and i miss you so much
By the way happy 3 and half years :)

updated 02/2023


By the time Jennie and Jisoo had made it back to the others, they'd calmed down considerably. Both girls had their hands laced, comfortably pressed against each other's shoulders as they stepped back into the grand room, surprised to find the slideshow paused on teenage Sooyoung's face.

The lights, while dimmed, were significantly brighter than before, when Jisoo had blindly stumbled out to chase after Jennie.

Jisoo furrowed her brow, noting that everyone at the tables had stood, eyes fixed on something she couldn't see. Jisoo pulled Jennie behind her, frowning. "What'd we miss?"

Chaeyoung delivered an accurate blow to her side and Jisoo huffed out in surprise.

Jennie's jaw tightened and she made a movement to step in front of Jisoo protectively, a look of indignation on her face at her friend, until Lisa chimed in with a hiss.

"Sungjae's proposing, shut up!"

Jisoo and Jennie both froze in place, craning their necks to see.

Sungjae had, in fact, stepped forward, kneeling in front of Sooyoung, his eyes regarding her as if she were some holy goddess, descending from miles above, just to see him smile.
Jisoo swallowed audibly. That was oddly familiar.

Sooyoung was blinking back tears, her hand clapped over her own mouth in shock, while Tiffany was absolutely the giddy mother of Jisoo's nightmares, giggling and squealing and making all sorts of incomprehensible noises while Dara patted her back supportively.

"Park Sooyoung." Sungjae cleared his throat, the emotions thick and tangible in his deep baritone voice. "We've come a long way, haven't we?" He chuckled when she nodded.

Bobby was watching with his arms folded, looking like he was trying not to cry. Jisoo smirked and gave him a little nudge.

"We've been through it all. We've broken up, we've made up, and we've been lovers, acquaintances, friends....maybe that last one for a little too long." He added with a wry laugh.
Jennie wasn't sure when or how her hand had found Jisoo's again, but she felt a squeeze, and her heart tripped over itself in pure bliss and exhaustion.

"What really makes us special is that friendship." Sungjae spoke , his intense gaze boring into Sooyoung's cobalt stare, his hand in hers, while the other clutched a small red velvet box. "We've really gotten to know each other, as more than lovers. As best friends. Your good days are mine, your bad days are mine. Your happiness is mine, your sadness is mine. Your darkest days will be mine, and the best days of my life will be every day I get to wake up to that beautiful smile. That's what makes this so sweet- I'm marrying my best friend. I already know what the future holds for us, this way. You pick me up, you help me stand up every time I've been knocked down. I hope to do the same for you. I couldn't think of a more beautiful love story than ours, the one that's written in your gaze every time I see you. And now..." He turned to motion to all the delinquents. "You've broken the final barrier. I've met your wonderful family, and...I'm ready to take them as my own, if you'll all have me. will marry me." He finished, turning to Sooyoung with a grin that rivaled anything Jisoo had ever seen.

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