Liquid Courage

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updated 02/2023

"Okay, no pressure, Jennie, but...don't let me down." Jisoo teased from her seat beside Jennie, idly playing with her hand as she waited for her parents to ready themselves.

"Dating you is pressure in itself." Jennie responded wryly, sipping her wine with an air of elegance Jisoo envied since day one of their friendship.

Jisoo feigned a look of hurt. "What?" She pouted. "You're the high maintenance one."

Jennie's eyes widened. "Me?" She scoffed. "Hardly."

"Trouble in paradise?" Sooyoung piped up, kneeling to lean between the two, a hand on each girl's shoulder.

"Hey, don't cozy up to her, Jennie." Jisoo hissed. "She might poison your drink. She's still pissed about how we completely ran her beloved team Bbyu into the ground."

Jennie smirked quietly into her wine glass while Sooyoung rolled her eyes.

"Laugh it up, Kim, but no one's got a kinky, weird relationship like you two." Sooyoung's retort was teasing.

"I'm intrigued." Jisoo mocked. "Kinky? How?"

"Who else gets the word "Burn" from a shitty drawing of a packet of Ramen?" Sooyoung scoffed. "Cheaters, that's who."

Jisoo's jaw dropped in feigned hurt, and Jennie set down her glass. "Sooyoung, I know Jisoo here lacks the basic set of morals that everyone is supposed to possess, but I for one, do not."

"Way to stand up for me, babe." Jisoo grumbled, kicking Jennie's shin softly.

Jennie offered her a small smile, one that reached her eyes, and Jisoo found herself breathless, grinning back like an absolute fool.

Sooyoung seemed to realize that she'd lost their attention. "Hey, lover girls." She snapped, causing both girls to jump in surprise. "This is disgusting. Sungjae just proposed to me and I'm not pining for him this badly. Are you sure you two have slept together?"

Jennie was suddenly downing her wine again, and Jisoo had a coughing fit.

Sooyoung would have picked on the subject further, save for the fact that it was apparently entirely out of the question for party animal Kim not to have slept with her girlfriend of months.

"Anyway, I didn't come here to insult you, even though that's always fun." Sooyoung smirked.

"Then why are you interrupting our couple time?" Jisoo fired back, brow raised, small smile on her lips.

"Because...Is it just me, or are you two getting serious couple vibes from Chaeyoung and Lisa?" Sooyoung quirked a brow.

"That seems to be the consensus, yes." Jennie replied, her voice smooth like silk, Jisoo dying to hear another syllable from her full lips.

Man, she was in deep.

"Yeah, Joy, congrats. You noticed something anyone with eyes could see." Jisoo commented wryly, and Jennie snorted with laughter, causing Jisoo's heart to melt yet again.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "No, I mean, like, more than usual. Look." She nudged Jisoo, jerking her head in the direction of Lisa and Chaeyoung, where Lisa's hand was on Chaeyoung's thigh as the two sat beside each other, murmuring quietly, closed off from the rest of the world.

"Ten bucks says they're screwing by the end of game night." Sooyoung smirked.

Jisoo's eyes widened. "Uh. Twenty bucks says they won't."

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