First Impressions

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It pains in places I never knew existed, missing you


updated 02/2023


Jennie nearly jumped up in surprise at the frantic knocking on her door, the echoes reverberating through her apartment walls.

She knew it was Jisoo, and yet, she was still a bit surprised.

Kim Jisoo, just like her friends, had never really taken to knocking.

At least as far as Jennie knew, anyway.

"Jennie!" Jisoo called exasperatedly, deciding to screw formalities and push the door open regardless of Jennie's position. "We have to move!"

Jennie glanced up at her from her position on her couch, laptop hot on her lap as she listened to the rhythmic ringing of her outgoing Skype call.

Jennie was probably saying bye to Jongdae.

Jisoo's gaze softened immediately as she trailed off. "I can come back." She murmured.

"No, you're fine." Jennie patted the seat beside her on the couch, and Jisoo padded over silently, sitting with her knees up, hugging them as she eyed the screen, and then her best friend's gaze.

"Jongdae?" Jisoo asked gently, heart warming just thinking of the boy with bright eyes and his love for Jennie.

Jennie nodded. "I...I promised him I'd say goodbye, in case I wouldn't be able to call him while we were at the reunion."

Jisoo frowned. "Aren't you bringing your laptop?"

Jennie hummed her affirmative response.

"Then why don't you just call him and stick to your schedule?" Jisoo asked genuinely.

Jennie made a face. "I...wasn't sure what I was going to be doing. I wanted to be committed to your cause fully, without distractions, and I...." she trailed off. "I didn't want to get his hopes up."

Jisoo's hand slid over Jennie's as she squeezed gently, reassuringly. "Jen, you know that this is important to me. Of course I want you to have time for things like this."

Jennie looked surprised, her eyes widening a little, allowing light to flood their verdant depths. " do?"

"Yeah..." Jisoo nodded. "I know how much it means to you, and Jongdae, and I would never infringe on that-"

Jennie looked slightly emotional, but before Jisoo could finish, Jongdae's beaming face filled her screen as the call connected.

"Jennie!" Jongdae's voice was alight with childish glee upon seeing what was, essentially, the best role-model in his life.

"Hey, Jongdae." Jennie greeted softly, a smile melting onto her features as she subconsciously brushed her thumb over Jisoo's hand.

Jisoo reddened, inhaling at the touch, before she realized Jennie was doing it subconsciously.

"Is Jisoo there?" Jongdae asked hopefully.

Jennie rolled her eyes, pivoting the computer slowly so that the lens adjusted to Jisoo's smiling face, cheeks still a bit rosy. "She's here, too."

Jongdae grinned once more. "Hey Jisoo!"

Jisoo waved to him. "Hey buddy. How's it going?"

"Good!" Jongdae smiled proudly, turning his head to grab something, when Jennie noticed a large black looking spot on the side of his forehead.

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