How you two meet ^^

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You walk into the new coffee shop that just opened up at the end of your street. You see a tall boy behind the counter. He looks about 19, two years older than you. His brown curls are slightly sticking out of his grey beanie. He was looking down concentrating only on his phone. "hello" you say, getting his attention.

He looks up at you and immediately puts his phone in his back pocket. His beautiful green orbs locked with yours.

"Hi" he says giving a little smile. "im Harry".

"im Y/N".

"Hi Y/N, what would you like to order.

"I don't know. What's good?" you ask curiously.

"I know what, let me surprise you", He smirked.

"Ok then". You give him a confused look and go to sit down at a table.

After about 3 minutes you go the toilet and come back to see your coffee waiting at the table.

you pick it up and see that he's scribbled his phone number on the side of it. You look over to him and he has a big smile on his face, you take a sip and realise its [coffee flavour]. Your favourite. You were there for about half an hour. You were about to leave but he came over to your table

"Don't leave", he begged. "Its my break now and i'd really like to get to know you. You sat back down and you and him talked for ages. You gave him your number, arranged a date and the rest is history.


hope you enjoyed that kittens. Remember I'm open for suggestions for the next one ^^

remember i do make these up on the spot and do NOT copy other peoples work. ^^

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