[dinner 2]

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Daniel POV

I was in my car going to rose house and my bodyguards were following me. She will be with me the whole time I can't risk her life with me.

I was standing in front of her house.  I knocked on her door and after sometime a girl came and open the door.

She was with rose in hospital I guess.

Hi! I said.

"Hello! I am staffy Rose's friend please come in she will be here in a few minutes" she said and gave some space for me to came in.

"Rose your date is here "she said and went somewhere "date"

I was looking around  when she come down and damn she was looking beautiful no word can describe her beauty, she was wearing a cocktail dress.

I was looking around  when she come down and damn she was looking beautiful no word can describe her beauty, she was wearing a cocktail dress

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She walked towards me and her smile. God she will definitely kill me today with her broad smile.

"So ready Miss Rose" I said and took her hand in mine.

"Yes Mr. Daniel "she said and we went out.

Then we went to my favourite hotel which have beautiful scenery, I hope she likes it.

We reach and I intertwined our hand and took her inside.

We went to our table and I ordered for us.

"So tell me about yourself rose" I said

"About myself?" She said raising her eyebrows

"Yes, I want to know you more and more" I said.

"So my parents die when I was 14 years in an accident. then I got adopted by Carlos parent you know my friend the one who met with an accident. then I studied medical to save people so they don't end up like my parents did and here I am so this was my sad story" she said and I can feel tears forming in  her eyes.

"I am sorry about your loss" I said

"It's ohk, it was long back" she said and I hugged her.

"Leave my life, tell me about yourself "she said.

"So I was 18 when I got this business to handle coz my dad died at that time. then I started to work hard to make my company one of the best and here I am and yeah I have 5 crazy friends which are like my brothers to me and you have already met them at hospital" I said and she smiled.

The we talked about our favourite things and we end up taking about our likes and dislikes on desserts.

"So which desserts you like more?" she asked

"You tell first" I said

"So I like tiramisu and now you tell me about your" she said

"So I like tiramisu and now you tell me about your" she said

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   (Here is the pic of tiramisu)

" I like Panna cotta" I said

       ( And here is Daniel favourite Panna cotta)

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       ( And here is Daniel favourite Panna cotta)

"Ooo your taste is good in desserts" she said making weird faces.

"I have good taste in many other things also baby girl don't forget that" I said teasing her.

"Don't call me that I am not baby" she said I just laughed. Such a adorable.

We were having our desserts and when I looked at her there was a cream at corner of her lips.

"Rose there is some cream on your corner of the lips" I said giving her tissue.

She was wiping her lips but not where the cream was.

"Not there rose on you left side" I said again.

"Help me Daniel" she said giving me the tissue back.

I went near her and put my hand near her neck and started moving too close to her.

"Wh..what are you doing" she said stammering.

"Removing cream from your lips" I said and I placed my lips on her were cream was,  I licked cream where it was and once again I pecked her and got separate from her.

"It taste good" I said and winked at her.

I saw her she was still shocked and was about to say something when suddenly we hear a gun shot sound.

So guys what you do you think is going to happen next?

Hope you guys liked it

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