Mjölnir"It is two wolves; and he that runs after her is called Skoll; she fears him, and he shall take her. But he that leaps before her is called Hati Hródvitnisson. He is eager to seize the moon; and so it must be." - Glyfaginning
Thor's POV:
I was sure no mortal could activate such a weapon, I warned her as I wouldn't know the consequences of her using such a trinket. The band was a weapon of war, it was impossible for anyone but a Valkyrie to wield such powers. Yet lady Alison wove it with such control, I simply couldn't fathom how this event unfolded. Alison a human, a being with no outer powers or strength as a goddess of war.
I had lay her down, I had sat penitently at her bedside for over an hour now. Her heart beat was steady and her breathing steady, she was completely fine after the removal this was extremely abnormal. The weapon was taken from the Valkyries as when removed it would eventually kill the wearer, I was grief stricken when Lady Alison placed that wretched thing upon her delicate wrist.
No one was to know of such event that had transpired moments ago, for a human that could possess such talents would be widely feared. My father would have her executed as the safety of Asgard would be compromised. A worry that had began to grow was that Heimdall may have cast his gaze upon Lady Alison when it happened.
She stirred in her sleep, her eyelashes fluttered as she dreamed, she was truly astounding. Her complexion fascinated me the most, a large cluster of light and dark hazel blemishes decorated her cheek and nose. They were dappled across most of her body these bronze droplets, they gave her a charming appeal. I was entranced with the curvature of her smile, the deep shade of verdant in her eyes, no sapling could contend with such a colour. She is a modest woman, she is not aware of her beauty, if given the chance many an Asgardian would leap to court her.
I had been aware of her presence for some time now, as she was prominently at my mothers side. I had began to notice her as she was the focus of my gaze, during those times my mother presented me with girls. Her purpose was like a piece of furniture at the time, its beauty used fondly and regular, yet the object itself was overlooked. I began to wonder who lurked behind that golden mesh of a uniform.
I had began to indulge in the aura which is Lady Alison, her company was fresh and exhilarating. Just being in her presence made me ecstatic, I felt the need to gain her approval, I needed to show her how impressive I could be. How I could protect her at any cost and how I need her at my side, I do not know of such things as a lover's attraction. Simply because I have never found a women so worthy as she is, girls have came and gone they left no mark on my heart, yet Alison has branded me an infatuated fool.
"We are beginning to make a habit out of this." Her soft accent wakes me from my trance.
"It is my mistake Lady Alison, you seem to be constantly in harms way when in my company." The last thing I want to do is harm her.
"I didn't mean to insult you, I was just joking. I might add that it was my fault this time." She bows her head and gives a stifled laugh. I cannot resist joining her playful jesting.
Alison's POV:
His laughter was short but still managed to assault my eardrums with its volume, I couldn't help but stare at his stature. Even when sat down Thor was such a mass of a man, I was never a one for dating back on earth. My friends all had boyfriends some even fiancés, I was a rather a recluse no one had ever shown any interest. This may be partly my fault as most of my days in regular life were either spent in my room reading or in college literature societies.

FanficYears after Malekith triumphed over the earth, shadowing our corner of the universe with darkness and decay. Thor had shamelessly abandoned our planet, his endeavours to save the human race failed. Very few survivors escaped the dark elves, the fort...