Never mistake her silence for weakness, remember that sometimes the air stills, before the onset of a hurricane." - Nikita Gill.
*Omniscient Narrator POV*
Bernies tassels on her belt must be incredibly interesting with the amount focus she was putting into fiddling with them. Sif knew she was nervous, hell the whole kingdom was.
Their whole struggled journey had been in preparation for this meeting, the patience they held with the years they had waited, they had recovered and rebuilt. The struggles they'd endured were just a spec in comparison to what hardship Kára had suffered, she had brought an entire race of goddess warriors back from extinction.
She was furiously beautiful Sifs jaw had dropped to the floor when she first beheld her. Kára was a very tall women with extremely long blossom coloured hair, her heavy curls flowed to the floor trailing behind her like a cape, they surrounded her head like a lions mane, pink and peach in all the right places.
Highly impractical for battle Sif thought, though she recalled how the Queen Freya had braided her locks in incredibly imaginative ways.
Kára was such a violent beauty every room fell deathly silent when she strode in. That's exactly how she knew nothing important had transpired when Sif arrived, Bernie was skittish and the crowd irritable, people were practically starved for action.
"Do you think she'll go easy on him?" Bernies tweet of a comment so high she sounded like a bluejay.
"Not likely she's thousands of years old... I think she's done waiting for her future to start, there's only so much patience a person can have?" Sifs bold face faltered showing just how apprehensive she was about the whole thing. No one truly had any idea what was about to happen they just knew they were witnessing history being made.
"And if she deems him unworthy? What will you do?" Bernie began to lightly chew her bottom lip.
"I'd lay in front of any sword that threatened my king. Unworthy or not. You know it broke me to leave him." Sifs voice cracked on the last few words.
The two women clasped hands tightly. Waiting for their future.
*Sifs POV*
Silence, painful and fragile silence. She commanded the room.
She was ethereal.
She was the hot summer breeze that prickled your neck.
The uncomfortable heat that shifted your feet.
She radiated warmth and power.
Utterly hair raising, heart stopping, just magnificent in every way.
Kára was the female leader I had longed to serve, to be if I had the opportunity. She was everything I dreamed of as a little girl. Strong, wise and breathtakingly beautiful.
She made every man question their worth, every nobleman hesitate in questioning her word, warriors, mercenaries and rogues alike prayed to her for safe voyage to Valhalla.
When they met their gruesome ends she would be the welcome arms they cried for. The legends preceded her name, she was a goddess walking, if there was ever a leader to bring kings to their knees and gods to their senses it was Kára.
Kara, leader of the Valkryie strode down the counsel room isle doused head to toe in all golden armour. The breast plates and cuirass were repousséd with scenes of ancient battles, monsters and demons fought seas of Valkryie.

FanficYears after Malekith triumphed over the earth, shadowing our corner of the universe with darkness and decay. Thor had shamelessly abandoned our planet, his endeavours to save the human race failed. Very few survivors escaped the dark elves, the fort...