Chapter 1

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chapter 1: back to hell.

chapter song: breathe carolina- chasing hearts (feat. tyler carter)



A 6 letter word that makes the general public want to:

A) Run away.

B) Slap themselves.

C) Cry like there's no tomorrow.

and on rare occasions,

D) Jump out a 3-story building.

It it came down to being stuck in a Final Destination Movie or wake up and head to school, I'd go with the first option.

My summer was wasted on: sleeping, eating, netflix, making dinero, eating, and eating.

Unfortunately, while I was busy enjoying my life, I hadn't realize that hell would be opening back up, and today was the grand opening.

School dripped of desperation and sadness. 

The fact that some people actually categorized it as fun, makes me question humanity.

If your idea of fun is, sitting in an uncomfortable desk, surrounded my people you dislike, while having to learn for seven straight hours then, what do you do as a hobby? Collect rocks?

As a kid, my mom would basically have to drag me out of bed, force me to brush my teeth, dress me, shove my breakfast down my throat and then finally achieve the major task of walking me to the bus stop. Which usually followed with a huge ass lecture, lots of yelling, and a possible time out if I wasn't feeling lucky that day.

On occasion, I'd remember to turn off my parent's alarm so they couldn't wake me up from my amazing dreams which where most likely about unicorns and rainbows at the time.

Being with my friends, might be the only reason I even step foot in that place.

Tragic, I know.

If I had any talent at all or an angelic singing voice like Mariah Carey, school would be the last of my worries.

One teacher in particular makes me want to bash my head against a wall repetitively. Some call her Ms. Harper but I prefer to call her by her well earned name, the devil. Sadly, I've had her since freshman year, and her fateful name continues to appear on my schedule each year.

Maybe I'm cursed?

I think it's safe to say she may be the most annoying teacher in the face of this planet, possibly even on Mars.

When I looked at this year's schedule and saw her name, I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry or drop dead. The school district thought, having her move up another grade level, was a smart choice. To the students, it was another year of torture.

Someone tell me how to break this curse. I'll pay you (in monoply money).

I'm going into my Junior year and having to deal with her bullshit for another year was going to be hell.

I promise, if her name shows up on my schedule next year, I'm dropping out. I'll just go work at McDonalds or beg my mom to home-school me.

Chasing hearts continued to play as I checked the time. 5:30. I have about an hour to get ready before the twins, Ashton and Brianna drive me to my doom.

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