Chapter 3: Meeting

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After a long ass 4 hour drive, we get to camp in Tampa. My mom parks the car and we get out the car. I get my duffle bags and my mom gets a few other small bags I need. I start to follow my mom to the entrance. I was lost in la la land when someone bumped into me and knocked me down on top of my duffel bags. A familiar voice says to me sarcastically

Hey, oh my God I'm so sorry

Gracie:yeah I'm alright just kind of fell

okay then see you around slut

I look up to see who was talking to me like that and why the voice was so familiar. Chaz Somers, one of the guys I've slept with and gave me BS ever since then. So much for trying to forget. I roll my eyes in annoyance as he starts to stroll off. A really hot guy comes beside Chaz and looks back at me with light chocolate eyes. He says to Chaz

Hey come on man that's not how you treat a lady.

He comes up to me, sticks out both hands, then pulls me up. Once I'm up on my feet, he grabs my bags and gives me a really warm smile showing his perfectly straight teeth. He gives me my bags then runs his hand through his dirty blonde light brown honey hair and says

Hey I'm Justin welcome to Camp Bayside Tampa, are you a counselor here?

Gracie:I'm Gracie, and yeah my first year as a counselor, but I've been here before.

Chaz looks at us with a disgusted face. It's like he's never seen me have a normal conversation with a guy that doesn't involve having sex. He interrupts

Chaz:come on Justin she's not a lady, she's a slut. There's a bunch of better ladies inside.

Chaz puts his arm around Justin's shoulder and drags him inside saying something while Justin looks back at me with an apologetic grin and says

Justin:see you around Gracie

He looks back at Chaz and then a few seconds later a guy that I know, but never slept with, Ryan Butler, joins them in the arm around each other thing. Ryan and I actually used to be friends but things change. My mom comes and looks at me as if she saw the whole thing.

Mom:who was he? he's cute. I think he likes you.

Gracie:mom seriously he was being nice.

Mom:well the other guys weren't helping you out like that and that wasn't just being nice. They way he looked at you, no way he was only being nice, sweetie.

Gracie:mom stop please, let's just go to the room.


My mom helped me put all my stuff in the room I'm sharing with another girl counselor. She gave me a big hug, told me to talk to her in any way, about anything, any day, everyday, then she leaves. I lie on my bed, not wanting to go outside and not have any other bad encounters. While suddenly a girl with a petite body but broad shoulders with red long pin straight hair and hazel eyes comes into the room, lets her bags down then comes to me. She looks really laid back in her flowy jeans, flowy muscle tee and yellow, white, orange, and pink flowers in her hair. She says

Hey have you been here before? I'm kinda lost.

I sit up in bed and examine her while I answer

Gracie:hey yeah I've been here before what do you need?

She smiles at me bigger and bigger each second. It's pretty freakin creepy, but welcoming at the same time.

Okay good, do you mind showing me around?

I take a breath. I don't want to say no, but I don't wanna say yes. Either way I say as enthusiastic as I possibly can

Gracie:sure I don't mind, let's go.

We get out doors and we see a really pretty indigo lake and big tall trees surrounding the narrow rocky path we walk on, while the sun heats up more each second.

I don't think we've formally met,

She gives me a hug while I laugh at how perky she is

It's Lezi short for Lezeveth

Gracie: Lezeveth, well never heard of that name, it's really unique.

Lezi:yeah my parents are hippies, they're traveling around the U.S. in Malcolm, our van.

Gracie:wow.....that's awesome how come they didn't take you?

Lezi:they smoke pot, they think I'm not old enough yet. Which is funny cuz you'd think hippies are laid back, right?

She chuckles. I can see why her parents don't let her do pot even though it seems like she's high as fuck right now.

Gracie:oh okay, but how come your so perky, I can't ever be that perky.

Lezi:perky, really? People call me annoying.

Gracie:well I'm calling you annoying in a nicer way.

We both laugh.

Lezi:you're funny, so why are you here?

Gracie:long story short my mom wants me to make new friends. She thinks I'm a fucking loner.

Lezi:well you have one so far, me, and hey I saw you talking to that hot guy, what about him?

Gracie:what about him?

Lezi:well do you know him?

Gracie:not really, all I know is that his name is Justin.

Lezi:that's who he is. Dude you just talked to Justin Bieber.

Gracie:ohhhhh so that's who he reminded me of, he looked familiar.

Lezi:why is Justin Bieber, the most famously loved 17 year old pop sensation, doing in Tampa this summer at a life guard camp?

I joke saying

Gracie:beats me, probably community service to get him off the hook on his arrest.

We laugh.

Lezi:well anyways how old are you?

Gracie:15 turning 16 this August. You?

Lezi:I'm 16 just turned it on the last day of school, so 3 days ago.

Gracie:wow sucky birthday then?

Lezi:no I actually skipped school with my friends and went to a concert then a protest.


Lezi:about the concert, no, everything else, yes.

I laugh at how weird and perky she is.

Gracie:I like you Lezi, you're right I already made a new friend.

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