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The next morning I woke up bright and early for mass. I put on a burgundy dress and curled my hair all the while Sweet Pea slept on the floor. I stepped over him as I made my way to the bathroom to get my hair tie and  quickly put my hair in a nice half up, half down ponytail. When I went back in my room for my heels, Sweet Pea was awake and began getting dressed.

"I told you that it is not necessary for you to go Sweets."

"Ana, I'm going. You are not changing my mind."

No matter how much I fight him, he always says I can't change his mind.

Sweet Pea walked out of the room in a nice pair of jeans and one of my dad's blazers. He looked good and I couldn't help but drool when I saw him. I was a fair maiden and he was the gorgeous Prince ready for action. I couldn't help but stare at him.

"Your dad said it was okay and better if I wore one of his blazers over my jacket."

"Well it's more for the fact of respect."

"I feel like I look ridiculous though."

"You don't Sweets. You look hot actually."



We left my trailer and jumped onto his bike. My dad took his truck to the Wyrm so we were kind of only left with the bike. I did my best to sit on my dress in an attempt to not let it ride up on the way to church. When we arrived, Sweets parked his bike and we headed inside. I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled myself into his side to make it known we "were together". It was better that way in my opinion.

Of course when we got to the door, everyone welcomed Pea and I with open arms like always. He expected much differently. Of course I knew it was going to be like that. We sat up in the front and Father came up with the alter servers in front of him as well as the readers. 

We went through the opening prayers and we listened to the readings. This was the bet part of the mass in my opinion: The homily. Father was talking about how we should turn the other cheek and always be the bigger person because that is who God wants us to be. I try to live according to how God wants all the time but sometimes I feel like I need a break. Of course God says "But you are my strong soldier. Stand tall and show your brothers and sisters my mercy, my beautiful daughter." 

The mass seemed quicker today and we finally left the church. We decided on going to his trailer. I was carefree today so it didn't bother me where we went. 

"How did you like church?" I asked Sweet Pea as I swung my leg over the bike, placing it on the ground. 

"It wasn't bad. I didn't think it would be, but I also already knew what to expect. Ana, can I ask you a question?"

"Yea go ahead."

"Is that why your always so happy and why you made peace with your mother's death so quickly?" He asked while we walked inside of his trailer that had been cleaned the day before. I walked over to the sofa and sighed. I didn't make peace with her death, but I knew I should. She was in heaven with God. 

"Mostly. I also have you and my dad to keep me sane and in my place."

"I know we have only known each other for a short time Ana, but I think I might like you. Like really like you. 3 weeks with you feels like a lifetime and I don't want to let you go."

"I like you too Pea."

He leaned in for a kiss but I put my hand up in front of him and stopped him. "Pea this can't be just a hook up and then you bail. I don't want to have to deal with that. But I also want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"The blackhood has been contacting me and Betty Cooper. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that I know exactly who he is. But I decided that I would join the serpents that way I will be safe and protected."

"Your safe now Ana. You don't have to join in order to be protected. Your serpent by blood. That is enough."

"Why wasn't that enough for Jug? He had to do the whole initiation and he is the king's son. I am going to do the gauntlet. My dad would murder me before I could do the dance." I explained to him.

"I still don't think you should do this."

"Pea it's nice that you care. Honestly though, I want to. Ever since I was little. My mom said to my dad that she wouldn't care if I joined as long as I didn't drink, I went to mass EVERY Sunday, and I didn't do the dance."

"That's fair."

"I think so. I already had the 'beast' because you had him here for a week. I asked Fp and he said it counts. So I just have to recite the laws, get the knife, and do the gauntlet."


"We we can go now and I can get it over with."

"Yea it might be better that way."

We walked out of the trailer again, got on his bike and left for the Wyrm. I had slight nerves for the snake but I knew I had to do it.

We walked inside and I went and got Fp. He came down to the center of the bar and he asked my dad to have me recite the laws.

I got through all of them pretty easily. My dad has had me memorizing them since I was 10. 

"What is the 6th law?"

"In unity there is strength!" Almost as if the bar had a script and knew the play, they all yelled out, "In unity there is strength!" Fp came and gave me a hug and moved out of my way so I could see the snake. I had a snake so I know how to tame one without getting bit. If they thought Penny was a snake charmer, wait till they see the queen at work.

I walked over to the tank and quickly looked into the snake's eyes. I didn't grab the knife at first. I did this trick to calm him. He slowly backed off and everyone stared in aw. I grabbed the knife and the snake jumped at me. I pulled my hand out before I got bit and I was cleared for the gauntlet. 

The night was much cooler than the day. My body was ready and prepared for it. Again my dad has had me prepared since I was 10. He took me to a boxing club and let me get beat up. Eventually I found my strength and it didn't hurt as bad. I stood in front of the guys. All of them didn't want to hit me but I insisted that it was what I wanted. I began walking down and they hit me one after the other. They avoided my face but, just as I realized that, one hit me in my mouth. I countinued walking and avoided making eye contact with Pea so he wouldn't feel as bad. I insisted he be one of the guys that stood at the end. Again, he didn't want to, but I know he likes me enough to respect my suicide wish. When I finally reached him, I was covered in blood and standing as tall as I could. He took one look at me, closed his eyes, and took the hit. I almost fell to the ground, but all I did was stumble back. No one had ever seen someone stand as straight as I did after the last hit. Especially from Pea. They all cheered and Toni walked over with my jacket. I was happy. But there was one thing I still wanted to do. 

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