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"Damn it!" Sweet Pea yelled out. His voice echoed through the small trailer.

"Wait, why does Penny care?" Toni asked.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me and I didn't think to ask."

"Don't involve yourself with Penny! Ana, she is a bitch and she will make everyone else's life a living hell if you give in!" Sweet Pea wasn't very happy about this.

"Okay, moving on. You said you were also with the Lodges and they told you what again?" Toni asked.

I looked away because I didn't want to answer that. Southside High was there home and there life! I couldn't tell them that it was being ripped away because they decided to listen the four dumbass teens that I happened to be friends with. I don't think that would go over well. So I lied. "Southside High was raided because of a complaint about drug trade. They want us to all be healthy." It was the dumbest lie ever and no way believable but they didn't push to explain any further.

A week went by and Sweet Pea came out with Fangs and some other Serpents. They all cheered and raved about God only knows.

"What's going on?" Jug asked, standing up getting ready to take care of what needed to be done.

"This hellhole is officially closed!" Sweet Pea seemed a lot more ecstatic that I thought he would be. But, after all, this school didn't offer up much. "We're done. No more Southside High?"

"What? How?" Toni seemed surprised. Of course, I knew this was going to take place. I just kept my mouth shut tight.

"They say it's dangerous and getting quarantined. Who cares? We're all going to different schools." Pea explained. Knowing his excitement, I wish I was just honest in the first place.

"Wait, this doesn't make sense! Where are you guys going?" Jug asked.

"Same as you, and you, and Ana and Fangs. We're going to Riverdale High." The little smirk on his face hinted at other reasons to be happy about this, but maybe I was reading to much into this. Toni just looked lost and the expression played all over her face. "Think of all those Northside heads to knock." He playfully punched and fought with Fangs, then left the three of us confused and speechless.

I went with Jug to Pops as he read the letter to Fp. "Mayor McCoy has deemed Southside High a public health hazard, due to toxic fumes from the methamphetamine lab in the basement." He crumpled the letter and shoved it onto the seat. "There was no meth, it was just the jingle-jangle." That word or words, rather, is what is causing everyone to spiral into a help hole. Or at least, that's my interpretation.

"So the worm turns and it's back to Riverdale High, huh?" Fp commented on what Jug had just read.

"The way that all this went down, something smells fishy." Jug pointed out, which made me feel guilty because I knew they were closing it and why. Or at least what the had told me was being held in the place of a false why.

"Damn straight something smells fishy. You not wanting to admit the real reason you don't want to go back."

"What do you mean?" I decided to leave and let them continue this long drawn out discussion alone as father and son.

"See you later Juggie." I leaned over, standing up, kissing the top of his head. Well, his beanie on his head and then hugged Fp and left.

We walked into Riverdale High and as per Betty's text to me this morning, I knew to expect a welcoming Veronica and Archie at a table with papers. That's exactly what happened. Pea and I walked side by side and hand in hand. Those that knew me, stared at the laced fingers between the leather on our two bodies.

"Friends, on behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school! To ease this transition, I set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a  list of sports and extra curriculars. We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is, fair Riverdale!" Veronica was a lot more welcoming than I had anticipated and it was nice to know that my friends were already welcomed by my blue Jasmine.

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl exclaimed from the top of the staircase. Can she ever let anyone enjoy anything.

"Stay clear of her." I whispered into Pea's ear.

"There is the school spirit I so fondly remember." By that, Jug meant the bitchy blue and gold of Riverdale High and the unpleasantness of the football star standing beside her. Of course, she is confidant enough to take us head on, so she brought the cheer squad. What are they going to do? Wave pom-poms in my face?

"Cheryl, no one invited facist Barbie to the party."

"Wrong! No one invited Southside scum to our school."

"Wrong, Cheryl. We were invited by Weatherbee who kindly put us into classes here." I explained. She rolled her eyes and so did Reggie. But of course, she ignored me.

"Listen up ragamuffins, I will not let Riverdale's above average GPA suffer because of underachievers. So please, do us a favor and find some other school to debase with your hard scrabble ways."

"Why don't you come over her and say that to my face!"

"Happily, queen of the buskars." Man, not even an hour at school and he are hit hard by Hurricane bitch.

"Okay guys, everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside difference apart?" Archie asked trying to be the radiant knight he so truly was.

"You do not speak for the bulldogs Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser snakes came to your place, trying to kick your ass."

"Happy to finish what was started." Sweet Pea advanced forward.

"In all fairness, Archie did go to the Southside and deface our property. So, you can't speak at all Reggie." I said. But, Weatherbee came out and fixed what Archie tried to stop. Reggie and Cheryl's bad vibes. Of course it didn't go away, but it got them away from us while we got our schedules.

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