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I took up both Archie and Cheryl's idea and decided I would propose the idea to them both at the clubhouse after we finish studying.

I finally got to leave the ever so dull lecture of math and made my way to Reggie's car.

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"Probably still in class or saying bye to a couple of friends."

"If he isn't here in the next 10 minutes, we are leaving."

"Thanks for waiting for him."

"Don't get used to it."

I looked down, and I suddenly didn't feel like Reggie was super confident he was just talking to friends. He took him to be the cheating type. I didn't. I had faith in him. Guess that's what Cheryl meant. They made enemies of one another before even knowing each other. It made a difference to Reggie that he lived on the opposite side of him, and therefore, he wasn't right. Sorry Reg, we can't all have good money.

We saw Sweet Pea approach with quite a mood. "What's wrong, sir?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Ready to go?"

"No, Pea, I'm not. What is wrong?"

"You're so stubborn. Nothing is wrong. Just tired." Pea said. I didn't believe him.

"Well, Ana, I never thought I would say this, but your boyfriend and I might agree on one thing. Your stubborn."

"What? Because I want answers?"

"Because you don't let anything go. It's fine. Don't worry about it, Ana. I promise I am just tired." Sweet Pea said to me, agreeing with Reggie. What was happening here?

"Okay, let's go. I'm impatient and don't want to be doing homework at midnight." Reggie said hastily.

I swung my leg over Pea's bike and sat behind him. Reggie climbed into his blue truck and drove off leading the way. We followed and drove out of the parking lot of Riverdale High. I looked back as the building became fainter the farther we drove off. The road went from street to dirt in a matter of minutes, and we neared the clubhouse that belonged to Reggie and me. I took in the scenery around us, and as we drove there, I thought about my dad and Penny. Had she planned all along to get him to deal with drugs and just found an opportunity to do it? Had the Black Hood brought out the real criminal in her? Or was it Hiram? I was lost and didn't know if I should go after them or leave it to my dad to figure out. Neither idea was great, but it occupied my mind until we reached the house. 

We all pulled over by the river and got out. "So, welcome to our clubhouse, I guess," Reggie said, trying to play nice. I, as well as Pea, could tell it was killing him to be kind to him.

"It's nice. You guys build it yourself?" My green giant asked me.

"Yes, we did. We were 7 when we decided we wanted a fun place to hang out, and I loved the water. Every time our parents got together, they came to this spot so that we can be in our little clubhouse. We just adjusted it over the years, so we would always fit in it."

"It is cool," Pea said and smiled at me.

Reggie had already walked into the house and started getting out the speaker. I loved to listen to music while we studied. It helped me focus. I walked Pea over to the couch and sat down with him beside me. He slipped my legs onto his lap and used them as a bar on a ride.

"Can you not?" Reggie asked, Pea, annoyed.

"I'm not doing anything, bulldog."

"I knew this was a bad idea!" Reggie said, pointing at me angrily.

"Reggie! You haven't even given the night a chance. Can you please put your differences aside, both of you? I just want one normal night without the Northside, Southside crap!" They both stated at me in shame, remembering how badly I needed this. "Can we start studying now?"

"Yeah. Let's begin." Reggie said, and Pea agreed. We took out our books and began studying. Of course, right as we got through question 1, my phone goes off. Not even through 30 questions, and I have to excuse myself. I look to see who was calling me so late. It was my dad.

"Hey, umm... hey."

"Hello, Ana?" The voice wasn't my dad's. It sounded familiar, but it wasn't my dad.

"Who is this?"

"Hiram Lodge. Listen, Ana, your dad was caught dealing with teenagers in Centerville, and he will be there for the night in a cell. I am certain that you would like to have him home safe. I'm prepared to offer you a deal, and I need you to meet me at the Pembrooke by 10 am tomorrow. If you comply, he will be bailed out by me without any charges placed on him. Fail to follow instructions, and he will spend the rest of his life on charges for your mother's murder." He hung up, and I was left with my mouth hanging open in the moist, river night.

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