Intro | Characters

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In which Kris is an Otaku with a fetish for adorable panda look-alikes, Chanyeol is an insensitive turd whom still has a lot of growing up to do, and Chen is in love but unwilling to pursue said love. In where an idiotic Kai sees only Kyungsoo, as a resentful Sehun learns that he doesn't have to go through the motions with a stick up his ass, while Lay is perfection and the least dramatic of the six.

Oh, did I mention they have no idea they're Daddies?

Yeah, it's about to sock them in the face.

What are newfound Dads to do, when they're faced with a mini army of adorable tempermental children?

Throw in six overprotective single-parental figures and we've got an equation that'll ensue definite chaos.

I advise you to sit back and relax, It's a long ride from here. 

.\~*❦ *~/.

| Sehun | Luhan |

"I shouldn't have kissed you." 

"It's either your girlfriend or me, you can't have both."

"I pegged you for someone stronger."

 "This is what you wanted." 

"I'm repenting, cant you see, how many times do I have to tell you I love you?" 

"You could drop to your knees, beg, and it still wouldn't change a thing."

"Love? It doesn't exist."

| Ziyu |

"Will you be my daddy?"

.\~*❦ *~/.

| Jongdae| Minseok |

"So you're going to sit there and ignore my presence?"

"Yep, pretty much. I'm just not interested."

"It's the people like you who makes this world such a horrible place."

"...and then there's people like you who remind us of it everyday ." 

"Is he mine?"



| Xiudae |

"Daedae likes mister Chen."

.\~*❦ *~/.

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