The Past | The Orphans | Part 3

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Love Me Right

The Past | The Orphans | Part Three

Chapter 16

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Finally some, OTP interactions.

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The Orphans

"This is my infamous brother, Kai" Taemin laughs and pulls the boy who had spoken to sit beside him. "He's a bit on the dumb side so don't mind him when he makes a fool out of himself."

Kai only grunts at the description, nodding towards the orphans in acknowledgment, but not bothering to look at them as he motions for the group to sit.

The orphans scoot down the bench to make room; glancing at each other with masked displeasure, as the group of ten invades their table; their territory. Growing up with nothing, you learn to hold on to what you have, even if it means kicking and screaming for it.

Most would not understand unless they have experienced it.

Kyungsoo had not been kidding when he said that Orphans could be vicious. Everyone at Duwae was vicious, even the ones who appeared innocent; they were wolves in sheep clothing. The wolves in sheep clothe; the most deceiving; like the eight carriers who had accepted Taemin so easily.

It is hard to describe the silence that fall thereafter.

It is as if an invisible line is dividing the two groups as they turn to look at one another. Perhaps to introduce themselves, but not quite yet, as the simple look turn quickly into something else, and eyes travel as expressions change.

On one side, you have the orphans; dressed in plain inexpensive clothing; hand-me-downs and thrift shop purchases. Apparent cheap clothing that had made it into their suitcases for when school hours were not in session, and the absence of unfathomable electronics.

On the other side, you have the wealthy; dressed in upscale expensive clothing; brand names and overpriced purchases. Apparent money to throw around proven by one item of clothing costing more than all the combined contents of the orphan's suitcase; flaunting Bluetooth headsets, smartphones, and tablets.

A size-up is inevitable when you have such a contrasting comparison.

It is fine, as long as you keep your thoughts to yourself; that is the rule.

A rule that one big-eared individual had trouble of comprehending as he opened his equally big mouth. "Already volunteering for Charity, I see?"

His deep voice cuts into the silence...

Turning deadly as the sentence hangs in the air.

And all hell breaks loose.

Zitao's the first to react, slamming his palms flat against the tabletop as his eyes narrow, fiery gaze directed at the not-so-handsome boy with wide eyes and elf ears. "The fuck you just said? I dare you to say it to my face." Zitao hisses; his expression menacing as he glares.

Fucking Yoda just raises his eyebrows, and repeats the sentence. "Already volunteering for Charity, I see?" this time directing towards Taemin, "Our carrier here is a Humanitarian..." his deep sardonic voice echoes throughout the mess hall.

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