The Past | The Orphans | Part 4

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Love Me Right

The Past | The Orphans | Part Three

Chapter 23

.\~*❦ *~/.

Warnings Include: Not so innocent Luhan, Cursing, Vulgarity, and Sex

Edit: 3/19/16

A new scene has been added at the end of the chapter. I didn't like the way I ended the chapter and wanted to add something I found to be amusing. It not necessary to read unless you want a glimpse in the direction the 'Orphan' arch is heading or a little more insight on the vague happenings of Chanyeol's plan. ^_^

.\~*❦ *~/.

| Continuation of Chapter 16 |

...her boyfriend is fine as hell.

Luhan is finding him sexier by the minute.

Too bad the expressionless hunk is in a relationship...

Did they claim to love each other?

Love is an impractical and idealistic concept.

There is no such thing as love.

Now, lust...

That exists...

By the end of this year, he will make sure their relationship is in ruins.

Luhan smirks; he wonders what Sehun will feel like.

.\~*❦ *~/.

"Oh my, Luhannie." Baekhyun teases, stressing the pet name. "You should have seen the way his eyes drifted to your ass. I'm pretty sure even his girlfriend noticed." Baekhyun says, referring to when Luhan had bent down to pick up his slumped book bag after class had ended. "But...that's what you want, isn't it my little Lulu?" he finishes with a grin, reaching over to pinch Luhan's cheeks.

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