The Present | Of Beauty, Disbelief, and Nostalgia

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Love Me Right

Of Beauty, Disbelief, and Nostalgia

Chapter 14

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It is still Thursday.

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| Late Afternoon |

It was late in the afternoon when Mr. Zhang, the father of Zhang Yixing, walked the isles on the second floor of the library. His son Yixing, more commonly known as Lay, the handsome musician, who had a ludicrous reputation of smoking bongs in his music store. This of course was not in the least bit true, but it did not stop the giggling teenage girls who liked to pretend they were interested in music lessons, from gossiping, when they were turned down by the musical prodigy. Mr. Zhang was proud to say that his son was quite handsome; he did take after himself after all.

"Son" Mr. Zhang says through the phone, "why did you even decide to change the lights? They were perfectly fine." When Yixing had learned Mr. Zhang was going to visit his wife, Yixing's mother, his son had asked him to check on the lights he had called to install.

"Ba, there are a lot of dark isles and corners" Yixing answers from the other line, "I feel uncomfortable thinking of possible harm coming to children" before he elaborates. "The other day I met a boy, and I just kind of felt the need to make sure he was safe."

"That's cute, son" Mr. Zhang says with an amused tone, "I think you are now reaching the age when you want to start a family."

It was usually around this age when men started to think about the future. It seems his son had finally reached the age of wanting his own family, getting married, settling down, and having children.

Mr. Zhang smiles, as his son replies, "I'm not completely against the idea. If it happens, then it happens" he hears a sigh from the speaker. "After meeting that boy... I realized I wouldn't mind having my own children" his son says with honesty. "To be honest, sometimes, I envy Sehun..."

"Son..." Mr. Zhang trails, feeling concerned for his son.

"I know..." Yixing cuts in. "I'll only hurt more if I think of the past" Yixing says, quoting him, before continuing. "It's hard though, had he not push me out of his life... maybe we could have our own child by now."

"Son, maybe it's for the best, I've told you my past" Mr. Zhang sighs, as all the memories from his own past surface, for he too had been a similar situation. That is how life is; you live and you learn. Adolescence is the time when one learns the most from their mistakes. "Like your friend Sehun, I got someone pregnant, even though I had my heart set on your mom. It was a stupid ,drunken mistake, and it only led to both our misery. The only good that came from it was your..."

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