chapter 9

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Once Chris and Spencer walked back into the house, everyone but the team had left.

"How long were we gone for?" Chris whispered to Spencer.

"Like ten minutes, I thought," Spencer said glancing down at his watch. The party was over at 9 and it was nearing ten o'clock.

"Their you guys are. We thought you two had left with everyone else." Rossi said. The rest of the team was giving them suspicious looks but Dave was clueless as to what was going on.

"Where have you guys been?" Aaron asked, looking directly at Chris.

"We went out back, I needed some air after all the drink Derek served me," Chris said.

"Hey pretty girl, you asked for them," Morgan said with his devious smile making Christina roll her eyes.

"Can we talk to you guys about something for a second," Spencer interrupted.

"Of course," Emily was the only one to say anything as the rest were too busy profiling Spencer to figure out what he was going to say.

"Well, I don't think this will come as a shock to most of you," Spencer said looking at Christina who was staring up at her boyfriend, "but-"

The front door opening made everyone stop and look towards it.

"Sorry," said Ross walking through the front door, "Left my cell phone in the kitchen."

Christina could feel the awkwardness in the room as the guy who flirted with her everyday interrupted her boyfriend of two years who was getting ready to confess his love for her in front of their team.

Ross walked pass everyone and once he did, everyone's eyes were back on Spencer.

He took a deep breath and grabbed Chris' hand.

"Chris and I are together," Spencer said, "Romantically speaking."

The room was silent for a few seconds before Emily, JJ, and Morgan started laughing.

"Are we supposed to be shocked?" Derek said standing up and walking over to the couple. Derek took Spencer's free hand and shook it, "Congratulations man."

"I think everyone knew," Emily said coming over to hug Chris, "We were just waiting til the day we caught you two making out in the storage room."

Aaron Hotchner walked over to them and said: "As your boss I say, I will need to talk to you two on Monday morning. As your friend, I say congratulations and that I am very happy for you both."

Chris wrapped her arms around her bosses neck and thanked him.

"So, how long has this love affair being going on?" Dave asked as JJ hugged Christina.

"Two years," Spencer said proudly.

"Two whole years of trying to find you both dates when you're already dating each other," Penelope said, "That's a lot of wasted time."

"Sorry Garcia, we could never come up with an excuse to get you to stop trying to find us dates," Chris said sitting down on the couch.

"Why don't I go grab something to celebrate with?" Aaron suggested. Everyone seemed pleased with the suggestion so Hotch started towards the kitchen.

But he took only one step before a bomb went off sending him flying back and the rest of the team ducking for cover.

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