chapter 17

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Christina rushed in the BAU's office, heading straight to the conference room. The whole team was seated around the center table, looking confused. 

"What's happened?" Chris asked her team. 

"Highway patrolmen found Ross' body in a car off of the interstate. He was shot in the chest twice." Morgan explained. Photos of her co-worker's body were up on the TV. 

"I don't understand," JJ spoke up, "Was Ross behind the bombing and someone wanted to hurt him because of that?"

"Or was he working with someone else and the deal went south?" Emily asked.

Christina closed her eyes and tried to think but her brain was defeated. 

"If we're going to keep at this, we need to take shifts," Rossi said looking around at the exhausted team.

"I'll stay," Morgan spoke up.

"So will I," Emily said. 

"Me too. JJ, Spencer, and Chris go home for a few hours and rest," Rossi instructed. 

JJ opened her mouth to interject but Chris put her arm around JJ's waist, leading her out of the conference room. 

"You know arguing with them is a waste of time right?" Christina asked. 

"But it's always so fun to hear them bicker," JJ joked. Chris turned around to see Spencer trailing behind them. Once they caught eyes, a smile grew on his face.

"Are you going to be okay driving home?" Chris asked JJ.

"Yeah, I'll down a cup of coffee before getting in the car."

"I'll see you in a bit okay?" Chris said as the blond woman walked away. JJ nodded and headed towards the elevator.

"You want me to drive?" Spencer asked coming up beside his girlfriend.

"Sure, let me grab my stuff." Christina went over to her messy desk and grabbed her bag and coat. She glanced into Hotches office, where he would usually be sitting at his desk drowning in paperwork. 

"Chris," Spencer said, pulling her gaze away from the empty office. 

"Sorry," Chris apologized. Spencer lead her out of the BAU and towards the elevator. The doors shut and Spencer pressed the button to go down. It was silence, but nothing needed to be said as the two already knew what the other was thinking. 

Spencer grabbed Chris' hand and interlocked their fingers. Chris nodded at him, letting him know she was okay.

The doors to the elevator opened quietly and the two walked out, hand in hand to their car. 


sorry for the long wait on the update. school is finally out so i should be able to write more this summer

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