All I Want is Love

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Ship | Chansung
Genre | Angst
Groups | N/A
(i cried writing it)

"Yah, hurry up we're gonna be late. JYP-nim is gonna kill us if you don't hurry up Jisung."

"Hyung I don't wanna." Jisung whined flopping down onto the couch.

"Yah, I didn't ask. Get. Up. Now." Chan said grabbing Jisung's wrist and dragging him out of the dorms.

"Hyung let go. You're hurting me." Jisung whimpered struggling to get out of Chan's grip.

"Maybe if you weren't such a little baby I wouldn't have to hurt you." Chan said finally letting go of his now bruised wrist

"You didn't have to be that rough." Jisung mumbled wincing and rubbing his bruised wrist.

"Whatever. Hurry up, we're already late." Chan rolled his eyes and started walking faster leaving Jisung alone.

"Why's he so mean to me? I never did anything to him. He's so hormonal, my god. I just want him to love me back. Life is so depressing." Jisung mumbled to himself, rubbing his tear-filled eyes.

"HURRY UP JISUNG. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?" Chan yelled back becoming even more annoyed with the younger male.

"SHEESH IM COMING...meanie." Jisung said blinking back his tears and running towards Chan.

**Time Skip**

"Ok great practice today guys. This comeback will be great, also Chan, Jisung don't be late next time. See you tomorrow, also you guys have the rest of the day off." Their choreographer said before leaving.

"JISUNG!" Chan yelled once he left, scaring everyone but, mostly Jisung.

"Y–yes hyung?" Jisung responded fluttered about what just happpened.

"You did this. You made ME late. You got ME in trouble. You're never gonna make me late again. Do you understand?" Chan said slowly walking up to a frightened Jisung. "I said. DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND."

"Y–yes h–hyung." Jisung whimppered too terrified to look up.


"Alright good practice guys. Let's go home." Chan said spinning around towards the rest of the members amd grabbing his stuff.

The others were shocked. Sure Chan and Jisung have been having bad blood but this time Chan took it too far. You could clearly see that Jisung was shaken up. Shaken up, badly. They would've intervened but they were also scared...even Woojin.

Felix knew though. He knew Jisung loved Chan and he'd do anything for him but, Jisung was very clingly. Chan hated clingly, he liked his space. Felix was truly in the middle, his favorite brother or his best friend.

"Jisung it's ok. Let's go home." Felix whispered in his ear before walking out with Jisung ahead of the others.

"Lixie, why does he hate me?" Jisung asked lokking down at the ground.

"He doesn't hate you. He just need...he needs time. You know how he is, always so stressed." Felix tried to reassure him but he knew that Jisung knew he was only trying to make him feel better.


Weeks passed by, it was only a week before their comeback. However things have gotten worse. That "stress" Felix mentioned was supposed to be gone by now. They've mastered the choreo, memorized the lyrics and even got their facial expressions down. Even then Chan was still harsh as ever, if anything even harsher.

"Yah Chan. Why're you so mean to him? He didn't do anything wrong." Woojin finally stepped up. He knew all this yelling was mentally scarring Jisung and even the rest of the members.

"What do you mean hyung? Look at him, even him existing is wrong." Chan said, the vemon in his words clearly evident.

"Don't say that Chan. You need Jisung just as much as you need the rest of us." Woojin said trying to make Chan take it back.

"Please I don't need him. He should've been eliminated,  he should just go back to Malaysia."

With that Jisung left. He's done. He knew this day would come, they all knew but they didnt think this would be how it turned out.

Jisung ran all the way back to the dorms without turning back once. He made it back and quickly started to pack. He was leaving, he needed to. Jisung couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't take the yelling, the insults, the crying at night, the lonelyness and worst of all the feeling of being worthless and unloved.

Jisung had depression before. All the members knew that and always kept that in mind but, what they didn't know was that he finally broke again.

While walking back to their dorms, Woojin heavily scolded Chan and told him to apologize to Jisung before it was too late.

Well Chan was very unlucky cause once they turned the corner, there he was. Jisung surrounded by a crowd of people, lying lifeless on the ground infront of a car. All the regret rushed through Chan. That's when he realized,  all Jisung ever wanted, was to be loved.

this is the shortest oneshot ive ever written. srry its so bad. idk y but it took me a long time to write this one. it might be because someone died and i couldn't rlly go through with it but i already wrote half of it so i had to finish.

my baby changbin got injured😥😥 i hope he gets better soon.

also did u guys preorder skz new album?? which ver?? did u guys preorder the limited one??

anyways thanks for reading💘

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