
29K 286 213

Ship | Chanlix
Genre | Angst and slight fluff
Groups | N/A

"Channie~, let's go to the cafe." Felix said walking into Chan's studio.

"Not now Felix, I'm almost done." Chan said typing away on his laptop.

"But you said that 3 days ago. Chan your overworking yourself." Felix said pouting with tears filling his eyes, but Chan couldn't see his face.

"FELIX I SAID NOT NOW. JUST GO HANGOUT WITH JISUNG." Chan yelled and before he knew it, his lover of 2 years was gone.

2 door slams, one signaling that Felix had left the room and sadly the other also signaling he had left the whole entire dorm. Chan knew that Felix was clingy and needed attention, but if they wanted to have a job, he'd need to finish this song.

Chan wasn't particularly worried when Felix left the dorm, but once he finally finished the song and realized that his lover wasn't home, he started to worry. He knew Felix would probably be home in a few minutes, so Chan didn't stress too much. However, once it started raining like the was no tomorrow, he started panicking.

"Man, its really coming down hard, isn't it?" Woojin said looking out the window in the living room.

"Its raining? Hey Woojin, did Felix come back yet?" Chan asked walking over to the window, next to Woojin.

"Not that I know of, didn't he leave like 3 hours ago?" Woojin asked now facing Chan.

"3–3 HOURS?!" Chan shouted snapping his head towards Woojin.

"Yeah, he left at 7:30 pm and now it's 10:30 pm. Wait isn't he scared of thunder?" Hyunjin said looking towards his hyungs from the couch.

"Yeah, he is...OH MY GOD MY BABY'S OUTSIDE DURING THE STORM." Chan said freaking out like there's no tomorrow.

*creak, door slam* (im sorry, im rlly bad at this)

At that very moment came in Felix. A soaking, from head to toe, Felix. Honestly, if it wasn't for his quiet whimpering, everyone would have thought it was the rain on his face, not his tears.

Felix slowly walked into the dorm, with everyone looking at him. He was about to walk out of the living room but was stopped by someone slightly taller than him.

"F–Felix where were you?" Chan asked trying to lift Felix's chin up.

"Apparently, you don't care, so leave me alone." Felix muttered brushing past Chan.

With that, Felix left the living room towards the washroom. Chan still standing there in front of the members, frozen still. The rest of the members would've let it go, but not only was Felix gone for 3 hours, came back soaking wet but you could hear the loud sobs coming from the upstairs bathroom, along with the sound of the shower.

"Chan, what did you do?" Woojin asked walking over to him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FELIX? HUH, CHAN?" Jisung yelled trying to get to Chan, but Minho held him still.

"I–I didn't do anything." Chan whispered looking down at the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BEST FRIEND. HE JUST WANTED YOUR ATTENTION AND LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, HE'S LITERALLY CRYING HIS HEART OUT." Jisung screamed finally getting out of Minho's grip and walked over to Chan, ready to punch him.

Little did they know, Felix had finished his shower/crying session in the bathroom. He was about to go back to his room when he heard Jisung yelling and of course Felix being Felix, he wanted to know what was going on.

Right when he got to the living room, he saw a glimpse of Jisung walking up to Chan, with his fist clenched.

Chan stood there waiting for the impact of Jisung's fist against his face. He knew what he did and he majorly regrets it, but what's done is done. He was waiting, but it never came. Instead, 7 loud gasps and a groan was heard.

As Chan finally looked up, he saw Felix in front of Chan, kneeling down towards Jisung, throwing out a bunch of apologies. Jisung was on the ground, holding his face and whimpering with tears slowly leaving his eyes.

With one quiet sob, Minho quickly got up, picked Jisung up and left to their room. While mumbling to the others that his squirrel was fine.

"Felix? What did you do?" Chan asked reaching out to pick him up from the ground.

"Chan...he protected you, but he hurt his best friend in the process." Woojin said pulling Felix off the ground and handing him over to Chan.

"W–what did he do?" Chan asked looking down at his lover.

"He kicked Jisung in the face so that you wouldn't get punched in the face. I suggest you go console your boyfriend now." Woojin whispered to Chan so that Felix wouldn't hear him.

Woojin horribly failed at whispering to Chan. Felix heard everything and started crying even louder and harder than before. Once Felix started crying again, Chan quickly turned and left the living room, towards his room.

"Baby boy, why did you do that?" Chan asked as he walked into his room, locking the door.

"B–because he was g–gonna hurt Ch–Channie." Felix said shoving his face into his lover's neck.

"Aw, baby it's ok, don't cry. It was an accident, he'll forgive you. I promise." Chan said pulling away from Felix.

"Y–you promise?" Felix asked looking up at Chan with tears still running his face.

"Yes, I promise. Now calm down and let's go to sleep. You can talk to him in the morning." Chan said wiping Felix's tears away and moving them so they were lying down on his bed.

"Channie, I'm sorry for bothering you. I should've listened to you and left you alone, but nooo. I was being a big baby and now look at the mess I made. It's all my fault, I–" Felix said almost starting to cry again before he was stopped by Chan kissing him.

"Baby, I told you, it's not your fault. I should've payed more attention to you, instead of doing work all the time. Now go to sleep, you must be so tired." Chan said pulling away from the younger boy's lips.

"Channie~ I love you." Felix said pushing his face into Chan's chest while wrapping his legs around his waist.

"I love you too, my little koala." Chan said kissing Felix's forehead and wrapping his arms around Felix's small waist.

Right as they fell asleep, Chan could quietly hear foot steps stopping in front of his room and the door slowly creaking open. What surprised him the most was what was about to happen.

"Lixie I'm sorry, for trying to hurt Chan hyung." Jisung said brushing some of Felix's hair out of his face.

"Jisung-ah, I told you they're sleeping. Come back tomorrow ok?" Minho whispered to Jisung as he pulled him out of the room.

"I'm sorry Lixie." was all that was heard as Jisung and Minho left.

Chan finally opened his eyes, looked down at Felix, pulled him closer and said, "I told you he'll forgive."

im sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, i only revised this chapter once.

please don't forget to send in your requests.


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