Chapter 1 - Betrayed

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"Percy! For the last time! Chiron is gone!" Piper screamed at me, tears ran down her face. Jason consumed her in his Superman arms. I took a step back. I felt sick. Lightheaded.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered, her tone grew soft as if she was trying to comfort me but it didn't work. The room had been quiet for the longest time before anyone spoke. Suddenly, Zeus slammed his fists on his throne, causing everyone to jump. He pointed his giant finger at me and it was not the friendly one.

"This is all your fault, Jackson!" His voice boomed and echoed throughout the sky.

"My fault!" I repeated, offended and slightly amused about the fact that Zeus was even dumber than I first thought. "How is Chiron's centaur-nap my fault?" I was getting really pissed. My father was not defending me and neither was any of the seven. I looked directly at Poseidon, hoping that he'd look at me as well. Come one dad! He wouldn't look at me. It was as if he was ashamed to look at me or address the fact that I was his son. I was so confused. Why in the name of Hades did Zeus think I was responsible for it?

"You friends tell us that you were the last to be seen with Chiron before the incident." Athena chimed in, her eyes cutting through me. "Annabeth has not been prone to blame you for anything severe, Perseus Jackson. If you think for one second that my daughter is trying to frame you..."

"I am not." I growled. I turned my head to glare back at the seven, Annabeth looked guilty and tried to avoid my stare. Piper was still crying into Jason's arms, Jason was still comforting Piper. Leo looked extremely uncomfortable along with Frank but hazel looked confused. "Because unlike my friends I would never blame them for something extremely untrue." I clenched my fists, I could tell my words hurt them. I watched as Piper and Jason hugged tighter, Frank looking down and Leo staring up at the sky, Hazel crossed her arms uncomfortably and Annabeth wiped her eyes quickly but continued to make no eye contact with me. I turned back to the gods. "But I see now where I stand."

Athena blinked a few times, shocked at my response. Hades tapped a single finger on the arm of his chair. Hestia placed a hand over her heart representing sorrow for me. Artemis looked pissed but not at me. At the Seven. Artemis currently seemed to be the only goddess on my side.

"My lord," Artemis turned to Zeus, her jaw was stiff. "Are you sure we have strong evidence and reason to back up our claim that Percy Jackson, has taken Chiron and killed the children guarding the border?" Now there were dead campers too? How many crimes are being placed on my head?

"Have we any reason to not?" He answered, his tone was harsh and corrupted. "Perseus Jackson was the last to be seen with the centaur Chiron..." dude. We aren't in a courtroom. Stop acting like an almighty judge because you certainly don't judge your actions very well. "I hereby judge you to be a traitor of the Gods, of Camp Half Blood and you will be disowned by your father immediately. The banished." That's when the room erupted into chaos.

"Zeus! Be rational! Percy has saved Olympus more than enough times to prove that we, like it or not, need him on our side!" Artemis argued.

"Percy is the coolest kid I've ever met! He wouldn't do this!" Apollo claimed, agreeing with Artemis but Zeus wasn't listening.

"My daughter would never lie!" Athena kept saying.

"Well there's always a first time for everything isn't there, Athena?" Hestia's shouting was always terrifying because she rarely ever did.

"Enough!" Hera's voice shook the room and everyone stood still, even Zeus. She brushed herself off. "Thank you." I shuddered. Her voice was so cold that even below freezing couldn't compare. "As much as I dislike the demigods..." gee thanks. I like you too Hera. Not. "I do not agree with banishing this child. He is too great of an ally." I was honestly shocked. Hera was sticking up for me. Hera. What had become of the world? She turned to me, her eyes were narrow and angry but in a way, somehow telling me it was going to be okay? She turned back to Zeus. "If you want to banish the child then banish him." Zeus smiled and was about to begin before Hera cut him off. "But heed the warnings, my King. If you do this, you will lose not only an ally but you will lose the war that had been slowly crawling it's way out of the shadows and into the light. When that war comes, Perseus Jackson will not help us and we will lose if you do this."

Zeus looked like he was getting annoyed but also like he was debating in his head my fate. Once again, Poseidon was saying nothing. Gods, why did this always happen to me? When it seemed like Zeus had come to his final conclusion, he faced us all. He lifted his finger at me. Hera slapped her hand on her face in annoyance while the Seven started shouting.

"Father! No!" Jason urged. A little too late for that bucko!

"Please don't!" Hestia screamed in fear.

"Good gods, Zeus! Have you no brain?" Artemis and Apollo asked at the same time. Once again, Zeus was having none of it. Zeus hesitated for a moment though. I raised my arms.

"Your brain is full of jelly!" I shouted. "Just do it now and get it over with. I'm the one you want to torture, not the Six. Do it now!" Zeus conjured up whatever he had to do to make sure I couldn't set foot onto the grounds of either camp or Olympus. He  was about to strike me when a greenish black portal appeared out of nowhere. We all turned to see what was going on and watched as a woman wearing a ripped green, black bodysuit, walk out onto the marble flooring. She looked around, mischievously smiling at the environment around her.

"How quaint," she mocked, placing her hands gracefully on her hips. She circled around the room starting to look a bit disgusted. "I thought it'd be larger and less Greek but who am I to judge sucky Greek architecture?" I eyed Annabeth, who was balling her fists in rage. I stepped towards the mystery woman.

"What do you want?"

She laughed. "Well, since you asked I'll cut to the chase." Sooner than I could say "oh shit", she waved her hand and I was tied up. Almost all the gods stood  from their thrones quickly. The woman placed her hand on my shoulder like a spider would wrap around its prey. "I'm taking the boy you call, Perseus Jackson. If you want him, you'll have to fight me for him." Most of the gods started charging towards us and that was the last time I saw my friends before waking up in a burned down city. I pressed against my head, trying to ease the splitting headache I had. Then I noticed her.

She was just standing there with her back to me. Her hair was black and in strands of knots as if she were held prisoner for a long time with no hair brush. I had just realized she looked like she came from a battle. Almost as if she sensed my awakening, she turned to me.

"Hello, Perseus Jackson." Her voice was sly and had a thick English accent.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" I demanded. She cackled to herself.

"I'm Hela. Odin's first born. The rightful heir to Asgard and the goddess of death."

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