Chapter 8 - A Freak or An Avenger

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters except for a few. One is being introduced now! Also if I made any mistakes I am so sorry.


Peter, Shuri and I had decided to check on Wanda before we left to get our first recruit. She was lying in her bed, unconscious but fine. We flew to New York, our first stop on our quest for new Avengers. While we walked to the police station from the building we landed on, we were all silent. Of course, people stopped us to talk to Shuri, being princess of Wakanda and totally awesome. finally after an hour of just waiting to talk to an officer and then another half waiting for their response to our request, we were able to meet with our first potential recruit.

"Only one of you are allowed in to speak with it." It? I mouthed to my friends. Peter shrugged whereas Shuri eyed the officer suspiciously. I crossed my arms, slightly worried for whoever goes in there.

"I think I should, guys." I whispered. Shuri looked at me like I was insane and Peter furiously shook his head.

"No, Percy. You don't have to be a hero right now!" Peter objected.

"C'mon. I'm older than you both. You guys have more of a life to live than I do!" I joked and turned to the officer. "I'm going to go in there." The officer nervously nodded and unlocked the door. I took a breath and looked back at them. Peter and Shuri gripped each other tightly as I entered. A girl, no older than I was, was sitting on a windowsill, staring out at other teenagers playing basketball surrounded by guards. "Evelyn Brice?" I whispered. Her head turned towards my direction a bit, revealing a deep gash across her cheek. Her hair was a dark brown and her eyes were the color of milk chocolate. She had dark circles under her eyes giving me the impression that she needed a lot of sleep.

"What do you want?" Her voice was cold and tired. She fully turned to me and I gasped. I didn't mean to but I did. Her gash wasn't only on her cheek, it was all across her face. Then I noticed others, her shirt was low and allowed me to see more scars but on her neck, she had an odd scar. They were two dots close to each other and they looked like they happened a long time ago but were still healing. "Hey, buddy!" I snapped out of my thoughts. "What. Do. You. Want?" I then shivered unintentionally.

"My name is Percy Jackson, I am an...Avenger." I smiled at saying those words. "I was wondering if I could interview you for a job."

"A job?" She repeated.

"Yep. That's what I said. A job." She gave me a glare, looked out the window, then back at me.

"Why do you want to give me a job?" She hissed, her eyes flashing a blood red. I shivered again. Something about her presence didn't feel right.

I tried to maintain my composure. "We need help and my boss had researched potential employees." I also tried to sound as professional as any idiot my age could. "And you are eligible enough to join." She shifted her seat.

"Eligible enough to join?" She gave a mocking laugh. "What is this? The Bachelor?" But her laugh quickly turned into a frown. Not an angry frown, a sad frown. "Sorry. It's been a while since I've talked to anyone like you."

"It's okay. I get it." I awkwardly sat down on her bed which squeaked like a fart the second I sat on in. Evelyn smirked as my eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. I tried to save myself by continuing to talk. "If I was locked up in a room, surrounded by a bunch of jackasses I wouldn't know how to talk to people either." I paused. "Although, I still don't really know how to talk to people without acting weird."

"That makes two of us." She allowed another laugh to slip out. "I guess, what I need to truly ask you is, what the fuck is the job?"

"The Avengers." I replied, bluntly. She started joking on air.

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