Chapter 3 - The Newest Avenger

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The kid Thor brought back with him seemed so determined to get rid of his old life. Perseus, well, Percy he claimed was what everyone called him, wanted to erase himself from any records. He wanted his former self to be claimed dead. Yeah, I could do it but what I really wanted to know was why the kid was running. I sat down in front of him with his file that Steve gave me.

"So, Percy. My name is Natasha Romanoff, I will be the one who is helping you kill yourself," he gulped. That sounded really bad on a number of levels. "What I mean is, I will have all the information on you state that you are dead even though you aren't. First question, how did you die?"

"I was murdered by my kidnapper. Slit my throat."

"Who were the last people to see you alive?"

"My girlfriend, Annabeth Chase," he suddenly got very tense. She must've done something bad.

"Okay. Now for your new identity. What's your name?"

"Kai Jackson."

Kai? "Okay?"

"Next question?"

"Where are you from?"

"Orlando, Florida."

"Do you have any family members?"

"My mom died when I was two, my father died from shipwreck and I have no siblings."

"Okay, Percy, last question. Do you want to be apart of the Avengers?"

He almost fell out of his chair; i tried to contain my laughter. "Can you fight kid?"

"Yeah I can fight. I have a sword and everything," his response had a little bit of sarcasm but he sounded mostly excited.

"Alright then. Fight me."


"You heard me," I stood. "Fight me." He looked like he was preparing for his death. I laughed. "I'm just messing with you, kid. I'm not going to make you fight me especially when your neck is still incredibly bruised from last week." He awkwardly laughed. "But still, how well can you fight?"

"I've been in multiple wars and fought multiple titans and beat them. I have also fallen into Tartarus and-"

"Tartarus?" I repeated; his face grew pale. "Bad memories?" He nodded, shaking harshly. "I trust you. Is there anything special you can do?"

"I used to be able to control water..." well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. That's really something. "But now I think my father disowned me and I've been banished by the gods of Olympus."

"What?" Percy and I jumped at the approach of another voice. Percy looked past me and I turned my head. Thor looked angry, extremely angry. "You've been banished? Why?"

"I was accused of crimes I didn't commit," Percy turned red, the kid was embarrassed and I felt bad for him. "I was accused of murder and centaur-napping." Centaur? Okay, the day could not have gotten any weirder. "So Zeus tried to banish me just as Hela came and I think he did. I haven't been able to control water anymore."

"He hasn't banished you yet, I can tell," Thor paces the room, deep in thought. "But if you can't use your gift then it's more than likely your dad disowned you which means..." he turned to us, fear in his eyes. "There's more than a 50% chance that your cells currently disappearing." I shifted in my seat. "Meaning, it's very possible that you only have days to live."

"Unless," Tony entered the room. "Unless, we somehow give the kid some sort of blood that resembles a gods blood."

"I'll do it!" Thor quickly said.

"No," Loki appeared from the shadows. "I'll do it, brother. It's better if he has my blood than the god of thunders blood. That Greek god is what caused him to  be in this position anyway."

"Um excuse me?" We all focused on Percy. I actually almost forgot he was even in the room. "My life is currently on the line right now so could we possibly do this later and get some cells in me?"


Bruce Banner led Loki and I into his lab where he had us both sit on a table. Loki looked like the kind of guy who seems really evil but actually had a good heart. Just like Hela, he too liked the combination of black and green mixed with some gold though. There was a sudden crash that startled me.

"Shit!" Bruce whispered to himself. He started to clean up the supplies he had dropped; I rushed to help him. ""

"Kai," I told him; he chuckled a bit.

"So you decided to rename yourself after the Hawaiian name meaning 'sea'?" He asked. I nodded. "Clever, Percy." I had to admit, being in the same room as Bruce Banner, the Incredible Hulk, was incredible. Hah.

"Thank you, there are rare times I can use my brain."

"I don't mean to impose, but, we better get this over with before Perseus disappears into oblivion," Loki was just sitting there the a statue, staring at us. "We don't have much time left."

Bruce nodded and gestured for me to sit back down. "Okay, Loki, I'm going to take some of your blood then transfer it to Percy. Percy, this might hurt a bit."

"I can handle it," I insisted. He started to draw blood from Loki and I watched. It was kind of making me a little woozy. When Bruce had taken the amount of blood he needed he stuck a needle inside my arm vain as well. I shivered as I felt it pierce my skin and sit there. I felt more nauseous than before and slowly lost consciousness. Funny, for all I'd been through, who'd have thought that this would have caused me to feel the way I felt? All I remember was Bruce taking out the needle before passing out.


It's been weeks and there had been no sign of Percy. Annabeth had been feeling so guilty she wouldn't leave her cabin. The first two weeks, Annabeth refused to speak to anyone or eat or sleep. Jason was getting on my nerves and Piper wouldn't stop bugging me about talking to Jason. Actually, I hadn't even spoken to anyone for the past few weeks either.


I spoke to Calypso because if I didn't she'd probably dump my sorry ass. Gods, I just made myself depressed. Nico still didn't understand what was happening because he had been in the UnderWorld teaching Mrs. O'Leary new tricks. Hazel was trying to make sense of the situation as for Frank, well, he'd been beating himself up about the whole sitch. He kept saying it was his fault and that he should've  been punished, not Percy.

"Hey," Calypso sat down next to me. I smiled at her but it was weak; she gently placed her hand in mine. "I know that they didn't mean any harm..."

"Sunshine, they didn't even listen to me!" I interrupted. "I just wanted them to listen for once! I know Percy's innocent!"


"Because I saw who did."

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