Chapter 7 - Prophesy

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"So, we just confirmed your death to the rest of the world and gave you a completely new identity for no reason?" Natasha asked. She sounded a bit annoyed but her face was stoic.


Natasha sighed as she left the room. I felt guilty but I liked my name so I changed my mind. It wasn't exactly the end of the world. My mind wandered and thought of Annabeth. What was she doing right now? Was she relishing in the fact that I was gone? Or was she upset that she got me banished?

Dam. I was making myself depressed just thinking about it. I shook away the depressed feeling and looked around the room. Everyone was doing their own thing and there I was, the new guy, just standing there like an idiot.

"Hey Tony?" He turned to me. "I know how you guys are the Avengers but what if, and this is just a suggestion, what if there was a smaller team who dealt with the kind of things Peter deals with?"

"Like, friendly neighborhood Avengers?" He clarified.

"Y-yeah. Something like that. Younger, and suitable for the job. Like teenagers maybe?"

"Teenage Avengers?" He shuddered slightly at the thought. "If you find me a group of kids that would willingly become Avengers and are suitable for those kinds of missions, I will pay you three thousand dollars."

"Cool. If I lose, I don't have three thousand dollars...would seashells work?" Tony rolled his eyes and flat out left. I smirked and rushed over to Shuri and Peter. "I'm putting together a team of younger Avengers that will deal with the kind of things Peter does!"

"Oh! Like a team of friendly neighborhood Aven-"

"Peter, for Bast's sake, if you finish that sentence, I will lose my shit." Shuri warned. "I'm in. I can be the tech chick, like Stark but with better tech."

"I think Mr. Starks tech is awesome!" Peter opposed and turned to me with a glow in his eyes. "I'm definitely in! I know the streets of Queens and if we find other people that are from here, we'll be able to make it through the cities with no problem." I nodded but jumped up the second I heard a scream.

Wanda had fallen onto the ground, green smoke was surrounding us. Shuri ran over to her to keep her calm while Dr. Strange checked her vitals. Wanda looked like she was having a seizure but Dr. Strange claimed that it was nothing of the sort. The green surrounded Wanda and when she opened her eyes, they were only green. even the whites of her eyes were green and her voice became raspy.

"The prisoner's fangs shall defend
The Son of Poseidon and all his friends
The daughter of Athena shall be free
And the gods no longer stand in victory
One way to win, that's with a death
Fighting until their final breath
Heroes fighting for all freedom
Shall be the end of the falling kingdom." Wanda gasped and her eyes became normal again. Tony looked to me.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

"A prophecy. I don't know how she was able to do it though. But it's not a good prophecy that's for sure." I answered. Tony became quiet.

"How quickly can you get your team ready?" He whispered.

~~~~~~~~~TIIIIIME JUUUUUMP~~~~~~~~~~

"What about her?" Peter pointed to the face on the screen.

"Don't touch the computer screen with your nasty Cheeto infested fingers!" Shuri growled, shoving his hand away. "But I agree, what about her? She seems qualified and she definitely is described as 'special and different than the other kids in this hell...hole...'" I looked at the profile.

"I don't know..." I rubbed the back of my neck as Shuri and Peter stared at me. "She's in juvie. Should we even have that kind of person in our group?"

"Perseus, if there is one thing I've learned in the short time I've been here, is that you can't judge someone based on their mistakes. You judge them based on their heart and loyalty." Peters words hit me hard. They made me think of Annabeth. Gods, I missed her. "Besides. Think about Natasha! She was a Russian spy. Clint was sent to kill her but showed her mercy and now she's in the coolest group of supers there is!"

"Fine. We will set up a meeting with her and if she turns out to be a great person and is willing to help, she can be apart of the team." I sighed as both Shuri and Peter cheered. "Who's next."

"Hailey Jostein. Graduated from high school at age fourteen and will at MIT next year. She's seventeen and apparently is often alone. We were able to dig up some interesting information on her." Shuri set down a file. "Remember how the Maximoff twins were the only ones who survived Strucker's experiments?" I nodded. "Well, apparently she was his first experiment. When it backfired on him she disappeared and was believed to be dead. She was six, when her life went into complete hell."

"What can she do?"

Shuri read into her file. "Apparently she's capable of changing her body. Not shapeshifting, per say, more like...she can change her form of matter. Become as flexible as a hair band or as stiff as a board. As goopy as a pile of goo or as indestructible as vibranium. It's insane." She flipped open another file. "Nico Di-Angelo..." my ears perked up. "Son of Hades, Ghost King and leads an army of the undead."

"He's in!" I shouted immediately causing Peter to squeal slightly. He covered his mouth quickly though. "Sorry." Shuri nodded and went onto another file.

"Jaiden King, he is a famous hitman. Started at age fourteen and has been doing jobs for bad people to survive for about five years now." Peter said through bites of Cheetos. "He is a good candidate."

"First, you need to see where his heart lies. Along with Brainy, Ghost King and Juvie girl." Natasha entered the room with a sandwich. "Just saying, you don't know how loyal they'll be. Trust me. It's hard to trust people on these kinds of things and i know what it's like. Especially for the hitboy and juvie girl. It's hard to come back from those kinds of things." She looked us all in the eye. It was nerve racking. "Be careful. Stay safe. Have. Each other's. Backs. Got it?" We nodded quickly. Natasha left as I turned to my friends.

"Well team...lets assemble these Avengers!"

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