Chapter 12 - Rogues Are We

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"I have no clue." Shuri responded to Nico. But before she could continue my phone went off.

"Oh! Mr. Stark is calling me!" I announced cheerfully. "What's up, Mr. Stark?"

"Kid! Thor just figured out where Hela is and it just so happens that she's in the area you're near." He answered. "I don't like putting you in harms way but we seriously need you guys there!"

"That should not be a problem, Mr. Stark!" I said.

" careful, Peter."

"Will do, Mr. Stark!" I hung up the phone and turned to the team. "Looks like we are going back to Camp Half Blood."


"Where is he?" Frank shouted from one side of the forest.

"I have no clue!" Hazel answered back. Piper looked in all directions, as if she could sense something coming. I pulled her away from the group to check on her.

"Pipes? What's wrong?"

She opened her mouth but no sound came out. She motioned for Jason to come over as well and he did. "I don't think we should be out here much longer looking for Nico or whoever he was..." she looked up at Jason who was nodding along. "Annabeth...we saw the woman who took Percy..." my heart stopped. "The woman...who more than likely killed Percy. Remember when I broke your leg?" She gestured to my bandaged leg. "I think that was her...speaking through me..."

"But can she do that?" I pointed out. "She's the Norse goddess of death, not the goddess of mischief." Piper shrugged.

"I have no clue." Piper began to fiddle with her thumbs. "Annie, I'm scared..." I pulled her into a hug.

"Hela is nothing compared to the monsters we've faced before..." I whispered.

"No, you're right." A devilish voice cackled. Everyone turned and faced the Norse goddess of death herself. "I'm much worse, darling!" Her giant dog emerged from the shadows, baring his ginormous fangs.

"Get into your defense positions!" I screamed and everyone obeyed. "Frank! Any chance you could turn into that sort of creature?" I gestured to the dog preparing to charge at us.

"I can certainly try!" He shouted back. At that moment, the wind went crazy and a loud engine roaring and echoing throughout the woods. I looked up at the sky and saw a jet descending from the sky.

"What the hell?" I whispered as it landed in an opening in the trees. "Come on!" I waved for my friends to follow and we fled over to the plane. It had a symbol on it but I couldn't really tell what it was. The hatch opened up and four people stood before us. One of them was Nico.

"Nico!" Hazel rushed over and gave him a hug. "Where did you go? After we spoke to you about Percy, you ran away. Why? What's going on? Why are you with these guys?" Nico opened his mouth to speak but the girl with dark skin answered for him.

"We are here to rescue you guys from the goddess of death." She looked familiar to me...I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "Get in!" We all rushed up the walkway and into the jet.

"Wait, Nico." I called to him. He turned around to face me. "Why did you run off?"

Nico opened his mouth to speak but closed it just as quickly. "I's easier if you don't know. It would save me a lot of explaining and it would save you guys a lot of guilty feelings." I cocked my head, confused but let him wander back inside the jet. "Shuri, what's the update on operation Teen Avengers?"



"OH MY GODS! YOU'RE PRINCESS SHURI, OF WAKANDA!" I shrieked, rushing over to shake her hand. "I am a huge fan! I've loved what you do with the tech! I love your ability to improve anything! Teach me your ways!" Shuri smirked and patted me on the back.

"You better sit down then. I have a lot to tell you people."


My head hurt. I sat up and pressed on the ache. The last thing I needed was a headache but I guess this was payback for calling Evie a bitch while high on drugs. I stood and started to search the room for painkillers. Nothing. I struggled to walk in a straight line since flying and headaches didn't really go well together but I was able to make it to the main cabin where I came face to face with the people I never wanted to see again. I watched as grey eyes widened in horror and shock.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered, barely breathing. Jason turned around, as did Frank. Hazel gasped and Piper looked like she was about to cry. "You are alive?"

"I never died. So yeah, I'm alive." I growled, turning away from them. I heard Annabeth sigh.

"Percy...we know that you didn't take Chiron..."

"How?" I shouted. "How do you know? I don't think I'll ever be able to be welcomed back to camp because of you! One of the only places where I was truly accepted for who I was!" Annabeth blinked back tears.

"Because we know who did take him. And if wasn't for evil purposes. Raven was told by one of her friends that if she did it, you'd be blamed and then be recruited by the Avengers. The Avengers could help defend camp!" She explained. "Please...Percy..."

I twitched. I wanted to be mad. I had to be mad but I wasn't. I wasn't mad at them. I was mad at myself. I walked away and slammed the door behind me.


"Percy had to be saved by Loki..." I whispered. The six of them whipped their heads around to look at me.

"What do you mean?" The one with multi colored eyes asked.

"I mean...Percy started disappearing. His cells started disintegrating and if he didn't get a gods blood in him then he'd die." I responded. "Poseidon disowned him and that caused him to start dying a slow and painful death."

"So because of us... Poseidon disowned Percy..." Grey eyes whispered. "and he almost died..." She sat down, unable to grasp that concept.

"But why though!" Blonde Superman exclaimed. "Why should we die if the gods decide that they don't want us as children."

"Apparently it's so they aren't ever exposed. So the children don't tell the world because they have proof. They know where the camps are and they have abilities that are supernatural to mortals."

"So it's just so the gods can save their own skins?" Panda bear scrunched his eyebrows and crossed his arms. "That's awful!"

"Why do we still fight for them?" Golden eyes shouted. "Why should we?"

"You're right!" They all cheered. What had I done?

Grey eyes smirked. "From now on, we fight for only our fellow demigods and not the gods! From now on...we're going rogue!"

YEAH! I know it's been forever ago since I last updated this. I get one idea after another for stories and I want to write them all but I JUST CANT KEEP PUBLISHING THEM. Ugh. I'm so sorry. I've also had a lot on my mind lately, my sister just left for college and I don't have any classes with any of my friends at all during the school year. So I'm pissed and depressed at the same time. Anyhow! You are all amazing and thank you so much for the support.

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