Chapter 6 - Gone

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I'd like to thank all who have been reading this. It means a lot to me and I hope you continue to want to read more. I didn't expect many people to read this but for me, it's a lot. Once again, thank you so much! 💗



"Percy?" I whispered. He smirked evilly. "What're you doing here? You're not supposed to be able to come into the camp..." I looked at him closer. A sudden discomfort with his presence came over me. "What's your favorite thing to call me?"

"Wise Girl," he responded.

"What does Clarisse call me?"


"What did you turn into when we visited Circe's island?"

He paused. "A pig?" I reached for my knife and threw it at him. He screamed in pain as the knife pierced his skin and stayed in his shoulder. He fell to the ground and I pinned him down with my arm at on his neck. He was breathing heavily, moaning but transforming? His skin went from his Mediterranean shade to a blue scaly skin. I narrowed my eyes as the creature before me kept struggling.

"Who are you and what the hell have you done with Jason?" I growled. The creature kept gasping for air, clawing at my arm. I loosened the pressure and yanked my knife out of its shoulder.

"'m a child of Nemesis..." she coughed. "Well...kind of..." I put l pressure on her neck again.

"What do you mean kind of?"

" body didn't correctly process the godly genes so it formed into something else!" She said it with one breath. I'd never heard of half-bloods being unable to sustain the power of their godly parent.

"How do I know you're not lying? You were obviously pretending to be Hazel! You pretended to be Leo as well didn't you?" Piper screamed. Gods, Piper is scary when pissed. Raven gave us a weak nod. "What makes you think I can trust you?"

"Those who don't process the genes, they become what are known as mutants..." she started to gasp again. Once again, I lifted my arm a little to give her more ability to breathe. "Mutants are demigods and there are a lot of us!"

"Again, why would I trust you? You've taken our friends to god knows where and you might be the actual person who killed the young campers and kidnapped Chiron," My teeth clenched, not from anger but from guilt. Percy was ridiculously innocent. Raven rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I kidnapped the centaur but I didn't kill anyone!" Good gods. This was getting more and more confusing by the second. "I swear on the River Styx, I didn't kill any of the campers!"

What? She didn't kill any of the campers? I looked back at Piper to see what she thought of it but her face was stone. I set my focus back on Raven but her eyes looked fearful. She was scared of what I'd do to her. I slowly took my arm off of her neck and stood. She stayed on the ground, breathing heavily and holding her neck. She glanced up at me and for a moment I feared that she might attack but her eyes looked grateful. If only I'd noticed Piper's quiet but harsh groan, I'd have stopped her from attacking Raven. As Raven stood carefully, Piper growled and sprang on her, pinning Raven back on the ground. Unlike what I did, Piper was not careful with where she put her hands to make Raven stay down. Raven screamed in agony because Piper had accidentally shoved her elbow into Raven's wound from my knife.

"Piper!" I screeched. Her head whipped around, i took a step back when I saw her face. Her eyes were a terrifying bright green. "Piper?" I whispered discreetly finding my knife. She grabbed Raven by her neck and threw her against a tree. I gasped as Piper then rushed towards me. "Piper stop!" She paused for a moment her eyes changed for a moment.

"Annabeth?" She stuttered but they quickly went back to the frightening green. She too had taken her knife but when she threw it at me, she didn't aim to hit me, just scare me. "Good evening, Annabeth Chase," Piper's voice suddenly sounded like multiple people talking over each other in sync. She sounded possessed. "I do hope you are well." Piper stomped on my leg, hard. I screamed in agony. Piper had just broken my fucking leg! "I am coming for your precious camp. I will burn it to the ground and I will kill you and all of your friends. Everything you love will perish." She grabbed my hair and pulled me up.

"That sounds pretty bad," I attempted to swallow my pain as I tried to remain strong. "I don't think you will or can though."

"But I can and I will," she hissed. "I will make sure you and Perseus Jackson suffer the most!" I tensed at Percy's name. I once again felt the worst feeling ever. Guilt.

"We will stop you. No matter what you throw at us, no matter how many times you knock down our defenses," I glared at possessed Piper. "We will stand strong and fight until our dying breath. You will never win because villains stand to lose. I will always have something you will never have..."

"And what is that?" She challenged.

"Someone and something to fight for!" I kicked her in the shin with my non-broken leg and was dropped almost immediately. I felt my leg break even more but I still attempted to stand. Possessed Piper charged at me but I knocked her out with a single, hard punch. I fell back on the ground, unable to stand any longer. A woman with blonde hair rushed to me.

"Are you alright?" Her voice was worried and sounded like Ravens.


"Yeah, this is the form I take when I don't want to be noticed," she replied, she sounded ashamed but she shook it off. "Let's get you guys back to camp." She swing my arm over her shoulders and helped me walk but she also was carrying Piper over her shoulder as well. Dam, she was strong, her shoulder was seriously hurt but she still had a person over it. Raven began explaining why she did what she did and suddenly, all became clear.

~time skip(I asked for Dr. Strange's help)~

"Annabeth?" Thalia rushed over to us and gave me a huge hug. "What happened? You know what...never mind. Let's get you and Piper to the infirmary before we ask you any questions. Thalia helped Raven by helping me walk and it allowed Raven to only have to worry about carrying Piper. They set us down on beds as Will rushed in. He checked on Piper first.

"She's just unconscious. She shouldn't have a severe concussion but maybe a slight trace of one," Will assured. Next, he checked out my leg. I stifled a scream as he took off my shoe and rolled up my pant leg. "That's definitely broken. And it's bad. What happened?"

I then explained how we followed Jason and Raven who had disguised herself as Hazel into the woods. How Raven was the one who kidnapped Chiron (it took them a while to accept that Raven wasn't a bad person) and how Piper suddenly got possessed by someone evil. I took out the part where she threatened the camp and our lives but I remembered to tell Will that it was Piper who broke my leg and how it was I who knocked Piper out. Thalia and Will listened to the very end with extreme focus. Well, as much focus as any half-blood could have. When I finished Will glanced at Raven then back at me then at Raven again.

"Raven, right?" She nodded. "Come on. sit down I need to heal you."

Thalia sat down next to me. "Do you have any idea where my brother is?" I eyed her. The look in her eyes showed complete fear.

"Most likely still in the woods," Raven imposed. "I didn't take him anywhere. I was interrupted by Annabeth."

"What do you want with us?" Thalia eyed her, suspiciously.

"I can't exactly explain it," Raven said. "It's kind of like it's something that you have to see for yourse-"

"Pardon me, Aaron Burr!" Dionysus entered the infirmary rushing to my side, holding a file. "I have something you may want." He shoved it into my arms and rushed out, spilling his coke while doing so. I opened up the file and immediately stopped breathing.

"What is it?" Thalia asked. I looked up, tears stinging my eyes.

"He's gone. Percy is dead!"

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