Chapter 11 - Bitch I'm Groot

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I don't own the PJO/HOO characters or the Marvel characters and tbh I'm kinda tired of doing this every time but I know I have to because of copywrite reasons and I don't really wanna get sued. I don't really have that much money considering the fact that I am a teenager who doesn't have a job. Sorry for that little tangent I am reeling right now! Alright back to the story!


"Do you guys think he'll be okay?" I fidgeted in my seat on the plane. Shuri checked Percy's vitals and nodded.

"He should be fine. He's just resting now. He seriously stressed himself out and it didn't help that he was running past his breaking point." She answered.

"So basically, he was running for his life when he didn't really need to?" The new guy, Nico, asked.

"That looked like what happened to me..." Hailey replied, looking up from her book. She was sitting cross legged in her chair which could not be comfortable because airplane seats were tiny, but she looked perfectly fine. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Evie was discretely staring at Hailey but I decided against saying something. "He overworked himself. He was under a stressful situation and running beyond his limit for no reason caused his adrenaline rush to suddenly crash when he stopped running." She stopped speaking and went back to reading. Evie looked confused.

"I know all of you are super smart but I am not. I have no idea what you just said." She admitted to Hailey. "But thankfully, I don't really care. All I care about is if he is okay."

"He will be okay." Shuri responded. "I gave him some drugs to make sure he wakes up with as little pain as possible." And with that, Percy shifted his position and started to wake. "Percy? Percy, you good?"

"What happened?" His voice was a little slurred, like he was drunk.

"We left Camp Half-Blood and we're flying back to Wakanda." I answered while getting him some water.

"Can I to the doctor though first...because...sometimes....I get nervous.....on airplanes...."




"What the actual fuck?" Evie whispered.

"John Mulaney quote." Shuri and I replied at the same time. "Ayyyyyyy!" We high five and then focus back on Percy.

"We're already on the plane, dumbass!" Nico shouted. Percy gaped and covered his ears.


We huddled together away from Percy about as quickly as he said that.

"What is going on with Percy?" Nico asked, worried and slightly annoyed. "He's acting stranger than usual."

"I don't know! I gave him the right amount of drugs to keep him from acting all loopy like this!" Shuri replied, her hands in the air to make clear that she was innocent.

"How do you control the amount of drugs given to a passed out person?" Hailey asked Shuri.

"There's a switch."

" doesn't happen to be a switch that is next to the TV right?" I wondered aloud.

"I did put it there, yes. I really needed to pee so I put it on the closest surface I could find. Why do you ask?" Shuri said with confusion in her eyes. I stayed quiet until everyone came to the realization and slowly turned their heads towards me.

"Sorry....." I gave a small, uncomfortable laugh. Evie hit her head with her palm, Nico tried not to laugh while looking at a drugged Percy, Shuri kept shaking her head trying not to smile and Hailey just sighed. We all walked back over to Percy and he immediately got defensive, grabbing a plastic plant for defense.

"Seriously, Percy?" Evie asked.

"Percy?" He shouted, repulsed by the name. "Bitch, I'M GROOT!" With that, he yeeted the plant onto the ground and it bounced. I couldn't help but join Nico in laughing. Shuri did the same. But Evie had reached her tipping point. She slammed Percy against the wall and had her arm on his neck. "Ow..."

"Do me a bitch....AGAIN!" Her eyes were red and her fangs were out, making  drugged Percy quite aware that he was in danger of dying. He nodded quickly and she let him go. Evie's eyes went back to normal and she looked around, it didn't help that everyone was looking at her in shock. "Shit..." She quickly ran out, Hailey close behind her.

"Cmon, Groot." Shuri led Percy to the bed and had him lie down. "Time to sleep off the drugs..." Percy was asleep in no time. Nico looked up at us, curiosity swimming in his eyes.

"What do you guys think that was all about?" He whispered, clearly referring to Evie's outburst. I shrugged, shaking my head. I didn't really understand girls so if I had assumed anything, I would've been dead meat. Shuri pursed her lips, thinking through what she was going to say before answering.

"What do you think happened just now?"

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