Chapter 2 - The Avengers

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Shit. Hela? Ugh. Well I'm dead, if only Zeus had banished me sooner then I'd be peachy keen right now!


"I can't believe you, you ass!" I screamed at Zeus. He was such an idiot he let our strongest ally in literally every war, get kidnapped! Even Hera looked pissed, surprisingly. "You are so worried about controlling everything you don't even realize that you are setting us up for destruction!" I needed to leave before I said something that would end up getting me punished. I stood and walked away from my throne. "I hope you're happy, Zeus." I growled, turning to the gods and the Seven now Six. I glanced at the demigods. "I hope you're happy as well. Percy didn't do anything." I started out the door but before I did I paused for a moment. "Some friends you are." With that, I slammed the door.


What had we done? I just blamed my boyfriend for murder and taking Chiron! We didn't even have solid evidence but we just assumed that Percy was a suspect considering the fact that he was the last one we saw with Chiron. I shamefully faced the rest of the Seven.

"We seriously fucked up guys." Jason whispered, he was hanging his head. I watched as Leo rolled his eyes.

"Ya think?" Leo said through clenched teeth. Jason backed up a bit, this was really the first time Leo looked he'd actually kill Jason. "We let one of our best friends get kidnapped and all you say is we seriously fucked up?" Now Leo was shouting, his eyes looked like flames and just being two feet away from him, it was still scorching hot. Leo stormed off leaving the rest of us to feel even guiltier.

"What have we done?" I whispered.


Okay let's get this over with. The Norse goddess of death, Hela, kidnapped me for a reason that I don't know of yet, my friends stabbed me in the back, my dad sucked, Zeus banished me and now I'm completely and utterly alone. So currently, my life sucked. What else is new? I rolled my eyes at myself but I think Hela thought I rolled them at her.

"Oh please," Her voice dripped with intimidation. "Like you could get out of those chains. Go on, Perseus Jackson, break yourself out." She squatted down to stare me in the eyes. Her eyes reminded me of flames but they were a bright green. A deadly green. "Try to break yourself out of those chains." She repeated and so I tried. I used all my strength but I just couldn't. She scoffed. "You hesitate too much. Hesitation is weakness." She grasped my neck. "And you, Perseus Jackson, I know you are not weak!" I struggled against her chokehold, gasping for air. She wasn't going to let go anytime soon, actually, her grip tightened. I tried to focus on any water around me. Any water. I got nothing. Did Zeus's banishment mean that I no longer had the ability to control water? Panic flooded throughout my body. Please. Someone. Help. I couldn't breathe anymore. I felt my consciousness fade quicker by the second. My death was interrupted by a large axe flying by Hela's head. She jumped, letting me go as she prepared for an attack. Multiple men with armor on storm in and shoot at Hela. I tried to get up but gasping for air seemed like it was the wiser thing to do but I was almost sliced in half by the axe acting as a boomerang, scaring me. The wielder of the axe boomerang appeared before me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I didn't answer, I was too busy gawking at his godlike structure, yeah that sounded gay but he literally looked like a god! He helped me up, giving me the ability to focus more on my breathing.

"T-t-thank you..." I wheezed. My voice sounded like a dying frog. The man led me away from his soldiers fight with Hela and I just realized that his soldiers did not know what uniforms were. One was in a spangly outfit, another was in a robot suit, there was a leather body suit, guy with bow and arrows and a big green monster...oh. I turned to the guy. "You are the Avengers!" I said it as best as I could with a bruised throat but it basically only came out as another wheeze. The man laughed to himself and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You are very wise, not many people demigods realize we are the Avengers because they are too busy fighting wit us," he commented while protecting me from blasts from Iron Mans suit, Captain America's shield or arrows from Hawkeye and Hela's weapons as well. "We must get you back to base before it's too dangerous here!" But we didn't move quickly enough because I was struck by something at the back of my head and I passed out.



My eyes fluttered open and I saw a pair of stormy grey eyes staring intensely at me. I looked around. We were standing on a beach, the very beach where we fought Ares all those years ago.

"Percy, look at me please..."

"Why Annabeth?" I whispered. Her expression clouded over. "I'm not guilty. I thought you of all people would know that."

"It's not that simple, Seaweed Bra-"

"No!" I shouted scaring Annabeth. She took a step back, discreetly reaching for her knife as if preparing to fight me. "I'm not your Seaweed Brain and you're not my Wise Girl. I'm mad, Annabeth! You all blamed me for something I did not do! I didn't kill anyone or take Chiron! I wasn't even the last one to see Chiron!" Annabeth went very pale. "I am ridiculously innocent!"

The dream started to fade as I started to wake. Annabeth panicked. "Please! Percy! Listen it's honestly not what you think! You need to know tha-"


"You alright kid?" I woke up with a start. I scanned the room and faced another man. I recognized him somehow but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Where am I?"

"You're in Avengers tower," another man entered the room. This man I knew. It was Tony Stark. I started freaking out mentally. How do I talk to someone as famous as Tony Stark? Do I say hi? Do I shake his hand? What's happening here? "I'm Tony." He stuck out his hand; my eyes widened. I shook his hand cautiously making him laugh. "Don't worry kid, I'm not gonna hurt you!"

"I've just never met anyone like you before, sir!" I stammered. He shrugged.

"Just Tony please," he responded. "Sir makes me sound old. Not as old as Captain America here though!" He slapped the man on his back, hard. I was in a room with Captain America and Tony Stark? I'm in fanboy heaven!

"Okay, Tony. Chill," Captain America turned to me. "You can call me Steve. No sir, I'm not like that." I nodded, still in awe of what is happening at the very moment. "What's your name?"

"I'm..." I was about to introduce myself but I a paused. Why was I so hesitant? "I...I want to start over." Steve's expression shifted to confusion. "I hate my old life. I want a different life now. Take me off the grid I don't care how. Kill Perseus Jackson."

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