One Poem

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One Smile is the start of friendship,

One Hug can show you care,

One Word is the start of a sentence,

One Message is the start of everything,

One Hello means a lot to me,

One formula can solve a problem,

One ink can make a pen,

One tree is the start of many,

I don't know why I rhyme words like this,

I just think of you then that's how it is,

One reply won't be bad,

But it'll be better if we go on a chat,

One Smile from you makes me go crazy,

One kiss from you is just a daydream,

Then one day if we meet again,

I'm going to say I missed you that I truly am,

And tell those three little words to you,

That I'm so sure it really is for you.

A/N: I think the title of this poem was a little inappropriate or somehow not that good. And sorry about that. I just can't come up with some other titles for this poem so there.. And some lines were crazy I think like 'One ink can make a pen'. Don't know why I came up with that.. Haha. But I really hope you guys like this poem ^_^

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