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Sadie's POV


I sat in the chair next to Y/n's hospital bed quietly. I gently held her hand in my lap and looked to her face.

'Why would you do such a thing to yourself?' I asked myself. Y/n is such a beautiful person with such a lovely body and personality.

I glanced over her body, seeing the bandages wrapped around her wrists and up her arms to her elbows because of the burns and cuts she covered them with. I remembered the bandages wrapped securely around her thighs from the cuts there also.

Seeing Y/n in the hospital gown with all the bandages broke my heart. Seeing her beat herself up and seeing her so helplessly laid across the bathroom floor with glass shards around her made my heart rip itself up.

I gripped Y/n's hand a bit tighter as tears pricked the corners of my eyes and then started dripping down my freckled cheeks.

I looked around the room, spotting the suicide watch nurse sitting in a chair across the room. The room had been removed of most cords as to prevent Y/n from hurting herself further.

I looked out the window of the hospital room and it was still dark out, about maybe four am.

I adjusted my circle-lensed glasses on the bridge of my button nose and grabbed my phone. I turned it on and stamped in my passcode.

My phone opened to it's homescreen, the background being of a silly pic of Craig and I sticking out tongues out at the camera whilst winking. I smiled a little and opened my messaging app.

I tapped Craig's contact, him being named, 'My Baby ❤🥰😍😘' I started messaging him to let him know what's going on.

Morning baby, me and y/n in the hospital rn

I hit send after typing out the message and closed my phone, not expecting him to respond. I heard the woman across the room stand and I looked to her.

She smiled at me tiredly. "She seems not to be waking up, but um... My shift is over, so another nurse will be in shortly to take my place. I hope she gets better." The nurse said quietly. I smiled to her softly and said, "Alright, thank you so much."

The nurse left the room and I looked back over to Y/n. I watched Y/n's chest rise and then fall softly, her breathing being gentle.

To my surprise, I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh. I picked it up and looked to the notifications.

Craig texted me. I swiftly hit the message and punched in my passcode and my phone opened to the messaging app again.

Morning babycakes, but uh

What the hell happened to

Y/n had used a razor and
cut up her wrists and her
thighs, she also burnt her
skin with a lighter

I walked in on her cutting
up her thigh and I called
911 and they sent an
ambulance to our house

Do you want me to come visit
you with the guys? I can
wake them up and get them
over there

I don't want you to put
so much effort baby

Okay, well

Maybe after they wake
up, or around 9 or 10

Okay babycakes, I love you
so much

I love you too Craig

Now get some rest
before you come visit
Y/n and I!

Okay okay, I'll see you later

Bye babycakes

Bye baby ❤🥰

I smiled softly after the conversation with Craig and looked back over to Y/n.

I stared blankly at her emotionless and expressionless face. I snapped back into real time when I heard the door open.

I looked over quickly, and there was a new nurse. She had reddish-brown hair that went cute with her fair skin. She looked to me with her hazel eyes and smiled softly, one similar to the one the nurse before gave me before she left.

"Hello, I'm Kimberly." The nurse said politely with her British accent shining through her words. I smiled sweetly and said, "Hi, I'm Sadie." You could so hear my thick New Zealand accent. Kimberly nodded and asked, "So who is your friend? Or, err, family member?"

I looked to her and watched her as she gently grabbed the other chair in the hospital room and moved it to the other side of Y/n.

"Her name is Y/n. She's my friend and housemate." I answered, looking sadly to her facial expression.

Kimberly nodded and looked to her face also. Kimberly looked to the clipboard in her lap she placed down and looked back up to Y/n.

"Cuts to the wrists and thighs, self-inflicted scratch marks all over the legs, arms, abdomen, and chest, burn marks on forearms and thighs, 'bitch' carved into left thigh..." Kimberly stated aloud, listing off the injuries Y/n inflicted upon herself.

I looked to Kimberly and watched as she read them. Kimberly looked up to me and asked, "How long has she been your friend?"

I though for a second. "Since middle school in seventh grade, eight years." I answered. Kimberly nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, um." Kimberly started. "You've been here all night, would you like me to get another nurse to bring you anything?" Kimberly asked.

I shook my head gently. "My boyfriend and some friends are coming to visit around lunch time, if I'm hungry I'll ask him to get me and Y/n something." I said.

"But thank you," I said to her. "Thank you Kimberly." Kimberly nodded and we kept up small talk which lead to talking pretty deeply.

I learnt that her name is Kimberly Swannize, she's nineteen, she's from North Yorkshire, England. She moved with her mother and older sister two years ago to the United States, but on her nineteenth birthday she moved in with her boyfriend.

"That's real cool, Kimberly." I said. "I just turned twenty not too long ago, when do you turn twenty?" I asked.

Kimberly giggled softly, "I turn twenty next month, my birthday is May eighth. What about yours?"

I hummed. "My birthday is January twenty-seventh." I responded. Kimberly's face took a look of surprise and said, "That's my sister's birthday."

I laughed a little. "That's cool" I said with a little laugh.

We were interrupted by my phone buzzing lightly.


Bro, I'm at a friends house and I'm eating dinner here and dude. Her brother is cute. But he hates me ;-;

Love you all so much XOXO


1103 Words

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