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Y/n's eyes looked over the horrifying mental asylum.

She wasn't thinking straight.

She actually wasn't really thinking at all.

She could only think about how much she hurt John.

Y/n fazed out of real life and into her own little world where she only had herself.

The guard was chatting with the lady at the front desk for a short moment before she stood up and escorted the bodyguard carrying Y/n with a clipboard in her arms.

The front desk lady had a name tag reading, "Teania Carr".

Teania guided Y/n and the guard down the hall to the left. The hall had a sign reading, "West Wing".

Teania was talking as they walked down the hall, but Y/n wasn't paying attention. Y/n was staring at the people they kept passing by.

She saw multiple people in wheelchairs and on stretchers tied down. The only thing Y/n could smell was bleach and that horrible hospital-like smell.

Y/n focused again on the brunette Teania as she talked.

"Y/n, you'll be staying in the west wing, down the third hall, and in room thirty-four. When we get to your room I'll explain more." Teania spoke.

They turned down a hallway labeled, "Hall Three".

Down the hall they walked to a room with a metal plaque beside the door with the number thirty-four carved into it.

A little folder holder was under the numbered metal plaque and Teania set a light tan folder in it.

"You can set her down." Teania said to the bodyguard. He nodded and set Y/n down on her feet gently.

"Thank you, Thomas. You can head back to the car with Feona." Teania instructed.

Thomas nodded and left down the hall, not even sparing Y/n or Teania a second glance.

Teania grabbed the lanyard around her neck and used the pass she had to open the door to the room.

Y/n wobbled to Teania and nearly fell.

Y/n clutched the doorframe and stumbled into the room, her thighs and arms throbbing in pain.

In the room was a stiff-looking bed, a toilet, a sink, a desk, and a chair to go with the desk.

Teania closed the door behind herself and sat in the chair that was at the desk.

Y/n plopped on the stiff bed and fumbled with her fingers, her hands shaking.

Teania offered a gentle, kind smile to Y/n and Y/n shakily smiled back shyly.

Teania's brown eyes were soothing to Y/n. I guess that's a trait a nurse would need at a mental institution, huh?

"You're scheduled to be staying here for ninety days, most likely more. My name is Teania Carr, and I'll be your personal nurse. I'll be making sure you eat and take your medication. I'll also be monitoring you whenever you leave your room," Teania started. "Are there any questions you have?" Teania asked.

"W-When can I have visitors..?" Y/n muttered. Teania smiled, "Whenever you'd like! If you need I can call someone for you at the front desk!"

Y/n smiled softly, Teania's calming personality calmed her slightly in this scary place.

"...Who were the people who brought me here..?" Y/n asked.

Teania looked down at her clipboard and said, "Well, Ms. Windy is your doctor who sent you here. I don't have the names of the nurses or the other guards, but the guard who was carrying you was Thomas Rowe and the woman who was driving the car for you was Feona Lottie."

Y/n nodded thoughtfully.

"How does the schedule work around here?" Y/n questioned.

Teania said, "Us nurses have to get up around six and be out of our quarters by seven. Yes, we stay here too. The nurses and doctors stay on the second floor where all the surgeries and safe rooms are,"

Teania continued, "Wake up time for patients is at eight and the nurses escort you all to breakfast. Breakfast ends at eight thirty, and from then until lunch you have free time. You can either go back to your room or go to the common area where the others typically go,"

Teania again continued, "Lunch is at twelve and ends at twelve thirty. From there everyone heads to the gym. You can go to the workout room or stay with everyone else and participate in an activity that you all choose."

"Then you all head off to the showers and bathe. At three thirty we'll head to the common area again. At any point in time your doctor could pull you from the group and talk to you. At any point in time during common area time you can have visitors. If at any point in time we have to take you away from the others because you're getting out of control, we'll take you to the safe rooms upstairs,"

"Dinner is at seven thirty, and lights out is at eight thirty. Well, you don't have to go to sleep, you just have to stay in your room." Teania concluded.

Y/n nodded, taking in all the information.

Teania smiled. "With permission from me you can bring books in here and if you act well, I could get my hands on some sketchbooks or notebooks and pencils if that's something you're interested in." Teania said.

Y/n nodded again. "Thank you so much Teania,"

"No problem! Now, it's currently nine and I should be getting to bed. As should you." Teania advised.

Teania grinned and winked, "Remember, I'll be waking you up at eight and you'll meet everyone else in the morning."

Teania slid her pass over the door lock and the red light on it turned green. Teania gave Y/n one last smile before opening the door and waking out after switching off the light.

Y/n rubbed her eyes roughly and felt the sting of her arms.

Y/n felt at peace sitting in this dark room by herself.

Y/n was tired.

She has had a rough couple of days.

She picked up the thin sheets on the stiff bed and crawled under them.

Y/n covered herself and curled into a tight ball and let the tears drip down her cheeks.

Y/n squeezed the last bit of her energy into sending one desperate wave of hopelessness to her soulmate, John.

I'm sorry.


Bet you didn't expect me to update over the week, huh? ;)

I have a bad headache and exams are coming up.

School is stressing me out 😔

I love you all so much! XOXO

-Harper_Lillie 💋

1110 Words

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