𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 : 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Finns POV~
"Yet." I smirk and pull Millie upstairs.

"Nick! Quincy!" She yells and tries to get out of my grip again. They just laugh as this is happening. She continues to squirm in my arms as I try to get her to my room.

'I will not lose this dare! I will not! That's final!'

"Millie, it will only be more difficult if you continue to act like this." I say as I hold her up in the air, my arms around her waist. She's facing away from me and her hair is in my face.

"Come on! You're holding up traffic!" Nick yells annoyed.

"Well, you try to carry her!" I turn my head to look at them. Millie continues to squirm in my arms, trying to get away.

"Fine." Nick says and grabs Millie out of my arms and carries her bridal style the rest of the way up, and she doesn't move the whole way.

"What the hell, Millie?!" I say angrily and out of breath.

"I don't like you, Finn!" She yells back at me. I sigh and lean against the wall, resting. Quincy stands behind me laughing.

"Well, follow Nick." I say annoyed to him. He laughs harder and walks up the stairs. I followed behind a few seconds later.

I went to my room to see Millie trying to get out through my window. "Millie! We are on the second floor!" I yell as she puts another leg out the window.

"Tell Nick I said bye." She said and jumped out.

"Millie!" I yell and run over to my window to check if she's okay. She landed in the grass, not even hurt. I threw my head back in frustration. She gets back up and runs in the direction we came.


I walked away from the window and plopped onto my bed, exhausted. She kept moving around in my arms when I was carrying her but the second Nick grabbed her, she stopped moving. What's up with that?! She really is a Freak, maybe even a fucking skitzo! This is just going to be a long month. But, I will not give up. I'm not losing this dare.

After a three hour nap (yes, a three hour nap) I got up and went downstairs. Nick was in the kitchen, eating eggos at the table, he had like six eggos on a plate and it was drenched in maple syrup. "Fatty." I say and smack his head, making his hair fly up.

"Shut up, Skindiana Bones." He fires back. I rolled my eyes and looked in the fridge for something to eat. "Why were you trying to force Millie to stay here?" He says as he stuffs a whole eggo in his mouth.

"Who? Oh, her, uh, no reason." I shut the fridge door and walk out of the kitchen, escaping that complicated conversation. I walked back up to my room and my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw that Noah was calling me.

"What?" I ask.

"Hey, Finn." He replies. "A bunch of us are going to hang out at Caleb's in a few, you wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there." I say.

"Okay, see ya." He says.

"See ya." I reply and hang up my phone. I slip my phone in my pocket and put on my shoes. I went back downstairs and out the door.

I got in my car and pulled out of my driveway. Just as I drove down the road, it starts to rain.

As I was driving, I saw Millie walking on the sidewalk. She had her hood up and she was looking down at the ground. I slowed down and drove beside her.

'It's now or never. I need to win this dare.'

I rolled down the passengers window and waited for her to look over at me. She glanced at me then back down at the ground quickly. She sped up her pace.

"Millie, let me give you a ride." I said loudly but she didn't even look at me, she just kept walking. "Millie." I sung.

"Piss off." She said annoyed.

"Come on, Millie. Let me give you a ride or I'm going to have to pick you up again." I warn. She stops walking and I can here her sigh.

"You'll give me a ride to me house? Just to my house?" She said without looking at me.

"Yes, now get in." I say as I unlock the doors. She sighs again but she gets in. "Now, you won't get sick from being outside when it's raining." I say and start to drive again.

"It was only sprinkling, barely even raining." She scoffed. The rain started to come down harder, making loud patterns of water on the roof of the car.

"You were saying?" I chuckle.

"Do have an aux cord? I don't want to listen to you talking when I can be listening to music." She said rudely. I grabbed the cord and gave it to her. She plugged it into her iPhone and she clicked on Spotify.

Soon a song came on, it was "Body Talks" by The Struts. A smile came to my face, and I started to sing the lyrics.

"Your eyes follow like a spotlight
Two eyes like the sun
Go ahead keep your distance from me
Soon your gonna come
When you flick you hair like you don't care and you're asking where I'm from
That game that running baby, you've are already won
I need to know know know
What do y'all need need need
What do y'all like like like
Cause I'm gonna be here to night"

I sing as I stop the car once more, I look at her the whole time while I sing the song word for word. She looked at me halfway through the song and glared at me, trying to hide her smile. I can tell that she was trying to hide her smile.

"Your body talks"

I sing again as I look down at her lips. Her lips are so pink and plump... and so kissable right now. I look at her face whole and her cheeks are tinted with pink again.

I can't believe I'm doing this but, I started leaning in. She didn't move or anything she was just staring at me with wide eyes. I lifted my hand and brought it to her cheek, I stroked her cheekbone with my thumb and leaned it closer.

We were about and inch away from each other's faces. My lips just lightly grazed hers and for some reason I felt tingles in my stomach.

A horn was honked behind us, making the both of us jump in fright.

We both pulled away from each other really fast and looked behind us. There were three cars behind us. I quickly started driving the car again, my heart rate going a million miles an hour.

I looked over at Millie through the corner of my eye, she was playing with the hem of her sweatshirt, she looks both surprised and nervous, scared too.

"My house is to the right." She said and pointed to the right of the car. I pulled into the driveway of the white and blue, two story house. There was silence flooding through the car.

I put the car in park and looked over at her. She stayed quiet the first few seconds then looked over at me. "Uh, erm thanks for the ride." She said and tried to open the door. "Can you open the door? I forgot that it's broken." She asked.

"Uh, yeah." I reply and get out of the car, making my way over to her side. I opened it and she stood up.

"Thanks." She mumbled and walked up to her house.

"See you at school, pretty eyes!" I yelled and she glared at me. I just chuckled and got back in my car. After that, I just drove back to my house, coming to the decision that I was just gonna ditch Caleb's house.


Hiyyyyyyaaaa guyssss! I hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment if you did! BTW I'm writing a sequel to my previous Mileven book and you guys should go check it out! It's called "Girls N Boys" and the sequel is "Girls N Boys Part 2" so yeah! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

Edit: I deleted "Girls N Boys Part 2." That shit was an absolute fail. I didn't like it. Anyway...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞 ~ 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ~Where stories live. Discover now