𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐗 : 𝐚 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭

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Millie's POV~
"See you at school, Pretty Eyes!" He yells. I glared at him and he just laughed. I walked into my house and was met by the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. It was a strong smell. 

I walked further into my house, to the living room. My mom was passed out on the couch with a cigarette in the ashtray and an opened bottle of beer next to her. My dad wasn't in there though.

I heard loud footsteps coming in my direction so I assumed it was my dad. I turned around, his clothes were all wrinkly and messed up, he had a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. "Where the hell have you been?!" He yelled at me, I flinched from the anger in his voice.

"I-I was at s-school, I had t-to stay after." I stuttered, trying not to show fright in my tone but failed miserably.

"Bullshit! You were by somebody, you slut!" He spat and hit my face with the empty beer bottle, I thought it was empty, turns out it was about half full. So it hurt more.

"Fuck, Dad!" I screamed and brought my hand to my cheekbone. It stung so bad! That's for sure going to leave a fucking bruise!

"Where were you!?" He yelled again.

"I was at a friends house!" I screeched. My eyes started to sting with tears and I was almost unable to take a deep breath with the fear of breaking down.

"Don't yell at me!" He shouted and slapped me right across my cheek. The side where he hit me with the bottle, so it stung more. My whole cheek stung, I was in pain. I rubbed my cheek, trying to relive some of the pain.

He went to hit me again but I moved to the side so he stumbled forward and fell to the ground. He attempted to stand up but he just fell right back to the ground.

"You're so drunk you can't even walk!" I yell as I run upstairs to my room.

"Get back here and help me up!" He yelled as I finally made my way into my room. I slammed my door and locked it so he wouldn't be able to come in. "Bitch!" He yelled as I made my way to my bathroom.

I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like complete shit. A purple bruise is already starting to form on my cheekbone and a welt in the form of my dads handprint is on my cheek.

'Fuck my life.'

But, why the hell am I not surprised? Why does my life have to be complete shit? Why me? My parents were never like this until Charlie died.

'God, I miss Charlie.'

I rinsed my face off in the sink since my face was covered in tears. I dried my face off with a towel and looked at myself in the mirror.

My thoughts took me back to when he almost kissed me in his car not to long ago. Why was he trying to kiss me? Of all people? Why me? He has other girls lined up to go out with him and I haven't seen him with another girl since he started to talk to me. It's weird. Really weird.

I don't even know what to do, I'm too lazy to go outside and I'm bored when I stay inside. I'm hungry and I doubt that there is food in my fridge. I haven't eaten for a while, mostly because I can barely afford it at school. Sometimes the lunch ladies let me take some leftover food home after school. So that's cool, I guess. But it can't be everyday, they're scared some of the students will tell the teachers or principal and get them in trouble. So on those days, I'm lucky.

I looked outside and the rain seemed to have stopped. I guess, I should go outside, get some fresh air. I put on a different pair of shoes, my red Chucks. I grabbed my earbuds and climbed out my window so I wouldn't have to face my dad again.

Successfully, I got down and I walked down the sidewalk. It started to rain again but it was just a drizzle. I like this type of rain, it smells better.

'Can rain have a smell?'

I always thought it did. Eh, oh well. It does.

I plugged my earbuds into my phone and listened to "Sonora" by Spendtime Palace. This had been my favorite song for the past few weeks. It has a good beat.

Eventually, I walked to downtown Hawkins, where all the stores and shops are. Where people are eating with their families at restaurants and having fun with their friends.

I was walking and I heard someone talking, it could just me the rain or something but it sounded like a person talking. I shrugged it off and continued to walk but then someone tapped me on my shoulder.

'Great, I'm being bothered again.'

I took an earbud out and turned around. It was a guy, and he looked familiar to me.

"You dropped this." He said and stuck his hand out, he was holding my silver necklace with a crescent moon on the chain. I grabbed it out of his hand and stuffed it back in my pocket. Thank god he picked it up for me. My mom gave it to me when I was probably eight or nine years old.

"Thank you." I said and was about to turn around but he he grabbed my arm, stopping me from leaving.

"Do I know you? Wait, you're Millie." He said and snapped his fingers.

"Do I know you?" I ask with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm Noah." He said smiling. Wait, hold on. He's the one that sat by me a few days ago at lunch when Finn poured the milkshake on me. He's friends with Finn.

"Are you friends with Finn?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Uh, yeah." He nodded. "Look, I'm sorry for the milkshake incident. That was all my fault and I apologize for being a dick." He said sincerely. I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "How about I take you to get something to eat as a better apology?" He suggested.

'Great, now what do I say to that? I can't let him get off so easily but I'm also really hungry. I don't want to come off as soft but I'm hungry. I don't want to associate with him because he's Finns friend but I'm hungry. Shit. I'm hungry.'

"Okay." I say. He smiles and nods.

"Let's go." He says and leads me in a different direction. I follow as he takes me to get some food.

He took me to a pizza place called "Hectors." We went in and the whole place smelled really good. We walked to the corner of the restaurant and sat down at a table. A waiter came over and asked what we wanted. "We'll get a large pepperoni pizza and two large cokes." He answered, then turned to me. "Want anything else, Millie?" He asks.

"Uh, a chocolate chip cookie?" I look at the waiter and he nodded, writing down our order on a notepad.

"Make that two." Noah said. The waiter nodded again. "That'll be it." He said and the waiter left. "So... how's your day going?" He asks. I shrugged and sighed, desperately hoping he stops the small talk. I just came here for the food, not small talk.

The waiter finally came back with our food and he put it all on the table. The pizza looks so good. "Dig in." He chuckles and grabs a slice of pizza.  I grabbed my coke and cookie and put it beside me, then I grabbed a piece of pizza. As I was pulling the pizza away from the whole thing, there were strings of cheese that connected it to the pizza. My mouth started to water.

I took a big bite out of the pizza and it was just pure ecstasy. This pizza is so delicious.

Noah was just smiling at me the whole time. It was a little weird but it felt good to know that someone was enjoying my company.


Helllloooooooooo, I hOpe You likeD ThE ChApTeR beCauSe I surE EnjoyEd WriTing It. Please vote and comment!! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

Edit: wHy tHe FucK dId I TalK liKe tHis?¿

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