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⚠️ Smicy ahead. Ha! Get it? Spicy+Smut=Smicy? Never mind... you're not laughing. I'll shut up then.
Finns POV:
I noticed her shifting around and squeezing her legs together when I was kissing her.

"Millie." I said in a low husky voice with a smirk on my face as I dipped my finger into her sweats at the waist band.

"Hmm?" She asked. I dipped my fingers under her sweats further till felt her underwear underneath. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.

"Are you okay with me doing this?" I ask quietly. She slowly nods and let's out a loud sigh.

I played around with the cloth of her panties and a slight frown came to her face, I let out an inaudible chuckle and slowly slid my  thumb underneath her underwear. She sucked in another breath.

The lower I slid my thumb down the better her reaction became, it's amusing. She would gasp or smile and I didn't even get that far yet.

The skin there was smooth, like, unusually smooth and soft. I started to feel a little stickiness when I stopped at the place and I took that as a good thing. She let out a gasp when I got there.

I started moving my thumb and got underneath her folds, she jerked her legs as it happened. I felt the warmth down there and the wetness.

This is becoming more and more less of a dare to me. I no longer think it's weird or gross to kiss her, I actually want to now. I like having her around. She actually had substance, unlike most of the girls I've been with. The dare never said I have to do this, what I'm doing now, and yet here I am.

I felt the little nub and started moving my thumb in circles. "Uhh..." She moaned. It started to get more wet and that made me move my thumb faster. "Mmm... Finn..." She whimpered. She shouldn't have said that. Something twitched in my pants. Not again. Goddammit.

"Faster?" I ask quietly.

"Faster." She said. I gladly obliged and moved my thumb in faster circles. Her legs started to shake and she gripped the car seat. She started to release more and more liquid as the pleasure progressed. "Finn! Ah..." She screeched.

I went faster at her words, she arched her back and bucked her hips up, reaching her climax. "Gnmmm..." She moaned. I pulled my hand out of her sweats and wiped the stickiness off on my jeans, feeling somewhat happy that I can make her feel this way.

I looked back at her face and she looks so relaxed, her eyes fluttered opened and we locked eyes. She looked both embarrassed and happy.

I climbed back onto her and connected our lips, finally being to feel her soft lips on mine again. I opened and closed my mouth on hers several times and my lips started to feel a little sore and swollen. My little problem didn't get any better... it only got way worse. Way, way, worse... I don't know what the hell to do now.

"Finn?" She said as I slowly pulled away.

"Hmm?" I say. She lifted her hips upward a little bit and she grinded against me. Oh, shit. My heart started to beat faster. My palms got sweaty. I let out a slight groan as she kept grinding.

She pushed me up and I sat against the seat, she sat up too and straddled my lap. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed herself up against me again, making me groan. My hands went to her hips and gripped them tight. I forcefully pushed her against me, harder. Once again, I let out a groan. I got harder and harder every time she grinded on me to the point where it started to hurt.

"Ugnnnn." I moaned and she went from single thrusts to a steady rhythm. My forehead started to sweat, I threw my head back with my lips parted. She went faster and faster, I started to get that tingly feeling in my stomach, signaling that I'm almost there.

Millie sighed as she kept grinding on me, sounding tired. "J-Just a little b-bit fast-ter..." I gasped. She went faster.... way... way.... faster.

A breath got caught in my throat and my chest started heaving up and down. My stomach was in knots, I'm almost there. "A-Almost there... god Millie..." I moaned. My vision was clouding up as I neared my climax. "I I'm... unnn...gonna cu...aahhnn..." Finally, I met my release, my hips bucking up and letting out a long groan. Surely, I stained my boxers... but it was so worth it... "Shit, Millie." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair, getting my hands wet from the sweat.

I didn't even realize till now that she was sweating and breathing hard, too. Immediately, I embraced her in my arms and smashed my lips into hers, taking her by surprise. I laid her back down onto the seat and latched my lips onto her neck.

It got more and more heated, I kissed and sucked her neck more aggressively. A little patch of skin on her collarbone made her go crazy as I sucked.

I slid both my hands up the back of her shirt and felt her soft, smooth skin. She shivered, probably from my cold hands.

I detached my mouth from her neck and went down to her stomach, lifting up her shirt and planting gentle, short kisses all over. I looked up at her for permission to go on and she nodded.

I lifted her shirt up all the way and took it off her, she sat up and pulled it off, revealing her white, lacy bra. I nearly groaned at the sight and I pushed her back down, putting her hands above her head and kissing her again.

"There they are! Finally, at least we know they weren't kidnapped." I here a familiar voice say. I go stiff, pulling away from Millie and looking around.

'Gaten, Noah, Caleb, and Sadie. Shit! They're coming toward us!'

"Millie! Put your shirt on, fast!" I whisper yell as I give her the shirt. She slips it on fast and looks at me again. "P-Pretend that we're sleeping." I say quickly as I pull her into my arms and lay my head on hers, making it look like we were sleeping.

"Fi- Awe, cute. They're sleeping... take a picture, quick!" Sadie squeals. I here a picture click go off and I pretend that I just woke up, opening my eyes and squinting.

"What the hell are you guys going here?" I ask in a sleepy voice.

"We were looking for you, after you broke up Millie's and Iris's fight, we didn't know where you went." Caleb said as I rolled down the window.

"How long have you guys been sleeping?" Gaten asks. I shrug and look down at Millie.

'Wow. She actually looks like she's sleeping.'

"Are you gonna come back to school?"

"What time is it?" I ask. Noah pulls out his phone and checks the time.

"Nine thirty." He said.

'It's only nine thirty?! Why is time going by so slow?! I don't want to go back to school.'

"I'll come back at lunch." I say and start to roll up the window, desperate for them to leave.

"Okay, well, bye, I guess." Gaten says and starts to walk away.

"Bye." The rest of them day in unison as they leave.

"Are they gone?" Millie asks, not opening up her eyes or moving her mouth.

'She can be a ventriloquist, no joke.'

"Yes." I chuckle. She sits up and smiles. "Let's go to your house." She says.

"Assertive, I like it." I say and start the car.


Hola! Hello! Hey! Bonjour! Other ways to say hi in languages! I hope you liked the chapter! Sorry I haven't been updating but I've been really busy with school and stuff... anyway, please vote and comment! Stay tuned for the next chapter...

Edit: That was some cringy ass smice.

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