《特务 J》(Idol Producer 2018)
A scream pierces through the long night
The perfume reveals your location
The smell fades off nearing the city's river
The night stars seducing the full moon
Masked, I jump past the royal garden
I turn and arrive at the beautiful kingdom
Perfect Agent J
Stealing the whole crowd's attention
Capturing you falling for the blind spots in love
Perfect Agent J
The excitement is bound to be destroyed
Unknowingly falling in love
Yet being unable to change forever
Perfect Agent J
Stealing the whole crowd's attention
Capturing you falling for the blind spots in love
Perfect Agent J
The excitement is bound to be destroyed
Unknowingly falling in love
Yet being unable to change forever
Capital J just like a scorpion
The brilliant sting is my signature mark
I love and don't love
I am the spy sent by love
Let my bullet appear through the smoke pointing directly at your eyes
Ghost-like elegance pausing in this moment
Your perfume soaks through the outfit
Like perfect art
Eliminating you tell me how babe
Should've taken you with me
I'm failing
Call off my heart no escaping
Girl showing up like you
Hitting my heart without a warning
Sharp heels, deadly dance moves
The bet you have placed with the temperature of your lips still lingering around the mouth of the gun
Building a seven-story pagoda for your pretty hands
A single bet, anxious breaths
Turning over the rouge
R.I.P., who's right who's wrong
What's wrong with love
Playing elegant tricks the bullet brushing against your cheeks
Time out
The spy that was sent
The spy that was sentSubtitles by Idol Producer Subs on YouTube
Agent J // NEX7 Fan ChengCheng
RomantikFan ChengCheng, the castle's head of guards. A powerful, trained guard and well-known for his strength, intelligence and authority. He is obligated to not fall in love in order to do his duties right, although, that was his decision. The castle allo...