Chapter 3

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*skip airplane*

After the most hatefull hours of my life I felt the sun burn on my skin, it felt nice, I could get used to this. My dad squeezed my hand and lead me to a taxi, gave the adress and we drove to our new house. I looked outside and saw palm trees, beautiful beaches, breathtaking.

"Dad where do we live?" I asked random.

"In a cosy house." Dad said.

"Can I get the biggest room?" I asked.

"Well, you can take the one with the best vieuw."

Can't he just say where we live? In a big house, small house, at the beach, a little more in the city itself. It annoys me. Like forreal.

We arrived fast. I looked at the vieuw and saw the beach, the clear blue water that reflects because of the bright sunlight. This gave me a summer feeling. I felt my dad hand on my shoulder.


"Let's go and look at the house, Krissy will be home anytime soon." Dad said.

"Okay." I kept looking at the water, the beach, the whole image just fitted. Except, this is one of those moments I wish to share with my friends. The only problem? They're kinda on the other side of the world. I sighed and followed my dad. We stopped infront of a medium sized house, the color was white/yellowish. There was no roof, but I saw recliners on the top of it. It had huge windows on the side. My dad opened the door, when I walked in, it looked open and bright, the sunlight came thru the windows in the house and gave a summery feeling. The furniture was sea blue, and green tinted. On the back of the house there where huge windows with a beautiful sight of the sea and the beach. I walked upstairs to look which room I want. Once in the hallyway, I saw a couple of doors, one with a small bathroom only a toilet and sink, 1 bedroom, probably Krista's, 2 empty rooms, I opened the first empty bedroom, and I already knew this was going to be mine, the walls were a baby blue color, the ceiling was dirty white, and it was covered with small lights, there was a bathroom connected with it just the perfect size, there was also a glass door, I opened the door and I was standing on a balcony just enought space for a chair and a small table, the vieuw was amazing, I could hear the water, and saw people swimming and having fun at the beach. I walked back downstairs and grabbed one of the boxes with my bedroom stuff.

"Found a room?" Dad asked.

"Yes. The one next to Krista's, yours is on the other side."

"So I can have the bad vieuw huh?" Dad joked.

I laughed and went upstairs while dad loaded all the boxes in the house.

I pushed the door open with my feet. And started decorating my bedroom. I was finished pretty fast, everything looked perfect. Now that I have a bigger room, I could make a small spot for Blake, just so he had his own bed and not claiming mine. I liked what I saw, I walked back downstairs and helped my dad with putting the plates by the plates and stuff like that. We finished around 6pm, Krista wasn't home yet. Strange though.

"Krista is at her job I think, maybe she has a late shift." dad said.

"Oh yea okay."

"Go and make a walk on the beach, dinner will be ready soon enough."

I nodded and ran upstairs to get dressed in something more summery then I have now on. I took some shorts, a top with pineapples on it and did my hair over my shoulders. I walked back downstairs. I opened the front door just when I was about to leave..

"Sou?" Dad shouted.


"Take Blakey with you!"

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