Chapter 19

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*what happend before*

First, Cameron helped me to let my thoughts about everything flow away. Second, I need to watch out on what he'll be planning to do as revenge. And at least, I need to work out more. But ehh, why does food always
need to be involved?


As I stood there breathing in the night air, I saw Cameron walking up to me, not running, just walking slowly. I guess, he just as me enjoyed the cold night air.
I smiled softy as I faced the breathtaking vieuw infront of me. I closed my eyes for a second to long, and opened them again. By now he stood next to me, both hands in his front pockets.
"Nice isn't it?" He said, it didn't sound as a question; because the answer was clear for itself. I didn't even glance at him, but I felt his gaze on me. I nodded. The smile still hasn't left my lips.
"Do you come here a lot?" I finally spoke up, it was just a little louder than a wisper, not wanting to break comfortable silence that the nature gave us.
"Yes." He sat down, on the end of one of the rocks, his feet over the edge, wiggling a litte. I walked up and sat next to him. "It gives me..." he let his arm behind him, resting on his palms. "Time to clear my mind." He finally fineshed his sentence. I nodded, understanding. It was one of the pest places to go- I could stay here for hours, even days. "It sure is."
He smiled a little wider. "Mhm." He mubbled. "But, we should be going back." He said. I sighed. "I guess." I muttered. He laughed, and stood back up helding up his hand, to help me aswell. When I wanted to grab his hand and push myself up, he dropped his hand again. "Better not run away again eh?" He stated, in a jokinly matter. I shook my head and let out a chuckle. "You can be such a-" he held up his hand, "remember I drive you home." He winked and walked back to his car, I catched up with him as soon as I stood up. "Fine, you can be nice, sometimes." I nudged my shoulder against his.

He laughed and pushed me on the drivers seat. He walked around and threw everything that laid on the back, in the back seats. "Let's go." He said, clapping his hand together. Letting the car roar to life. We drove home, making litte chats, talking about nothing and everything. The only thing we didn't talk about, was Jack. And Jenni. But because of them, I wont stop seeing the others, okay it might be weird to hand around and walk inside as I always do, I don't come for him, so why would he be bothered? I think- my opinion, it's the most stupid thing to drop your friends just for a break up, a friend was there when nobody else came, and knows things, even family doesn't.
When the car finally pulled up on my drive way I saw dim lights coming from the window.
"Thanks for the amezing day." I said, "it was good, for both of us." He said. I opened the door and walked out, so did Cam.
I gave him a hug and took out my keys. I put them in the lock and turned around one last time, wavind him goodbye.
I walked inside and saw Krissy laying out streched on the couch, the fire burning and giving a warm feeling once you were close enough, and of course. Blake was laying infront of the fire. The rule of not letting him in, was all gone when we saw the small thing standing at the class door hoping to get it. When he saw me coming closer he jumped up, and ran to me. I picked him up, and walked around the couch to see Krissy, and of course she was sleeping. I put Blake back down, and took the blanket from under the small coffie table. And layed it over her. I turned off the TV, and walked upstairs after putting Blake out for tonight.


I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. I held one eye closed as I unlocked my phone and the light hit me like I was watching the sun fell on earth.
Matt: I'm bored. What the hell? He sended that at 2am, normal people sleep at that time! I laughed at my own thoughts, who the hell sleeps at 2am? Like seriously. We all know we're up till the late hours, doing the things yoy rather do at night. I looked at the time, 10:04am. Well atleast I woke up early enough.
Me: goodnight Matty;). Send. He'll be probably be sleeping now. I stretched out, now used to the light, I opened my window, letting the morning air brush against my skin. I smiled. I walked into the bathroom. Took a quick shower, and got dressed, nothing special. I'm planning on doing nothing today so, I can look like a mess. I took a sweater and pulled it over my head. And took some shorts, threw my hair in a messy bun. And hopped downstairs.
Opened the doors, to let Blake in.

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