Chapter 7: Dinner with the Mikaelsons

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By: eternityunicorn

Elijah hadn't seen Eternity for the rest of the night and then she continued to avoid him for the greater part of the following day. In the morning, he had heard from Rebekah that the warrior queen had sent Hel to go find Gia and protect the female vampire in her stead. Immediately following that explanation, his sister began to berate him for being a fool of a man for making a mess of his love life and so forth and so on. She said nothing that he hadn't already known. At least, it kept things lively, he supposed. Though he wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

It was fortunate that his brothers were all out of the house, staying with their ladyloves elsewhere. Kol was with Davina, Finn with Sage, and of course, Niklaus with Hayley. If he thought Rebekah was bad with her scolding of him, then his brothers' teasing would have been unbearable. Yes, it was fortunate that they didn't know he was a complete and utter failure when it came to love. Not that they didn't already know that. Even Rebekah and Freya had successful romantic relationships: Rebekah with Marcel and Freya with Keelin. Everyone was happy in love, except for him. It was rather pathetic really.

Not that he wasn't happy for his family. Of course he was, but because of their happiness, he certainly couldn't forget his less than desirable situation. Though he did have a small glimmer of hope that maybe things could change for him, now that Eternity had returned.

It was some time in the early evening that Elijah finally happened upon Eternity, completely without intention. He found her standing in his study, looking out of the window at the lively city below. She was dressed in one of her simple flowing sundresses. It was a light gray one with little star shaped rhinestones spread over it. Her long white hair remained free and flowed around her, leaving him unable to see anything but her dress and her copious amounts of hair.

At the doorway, he knocked on the wood frame to announce his presence, causing Eternity to turn fluidly toward him with her hands folded sophisticatedly in front of her. She stared at her in that soul seeing way, perfectly still with slow blinks of her big eyes.

"Good evening," he greeted her with a small smile, unfazed by her stillness. He was too used to it to be affected by her otherworldly ways. "I was wondering where you had gotten off to...after last night."

She didn't speak right away. Instead, she turned back to face the window first. She continued looking at the evening crowds of local humans and tourists alike wandering the French Quarter. She seemed more interested in them than anything else.

Then, just as Elijah was wondering of she'd speak at all to him, Eternity said, "I thought it best to stay away, after running poor Gia off like that. It was fortunate, I was able to fix the situation the best I could by sending my daughter out after her, to keep her safe from a potentially fatal encounter with my wicked brother."

Elijah swallowed thickly from the left over guilt that still plagued him over the situation with Gia. "Yes, it's good that someone will be there to look after her," he agreed, though it sounded more rehearsed than heartfelt. "She'll need protection."

They fell into an awkward silence. Eternity refused to look at him still and it was driving Elijah mad. He wanted her to look at him. He wanted to see her lovely face, but she was denying him his desire. He didn't understand why.

Elijah moved further into the room, moving closer to Eternity until he was almost directly behind her. She took him by surprise when she whirled on him with her head down defensively, as if she had a horn to point at him.

"Don't," she practically shouted at him with glaring eyes, causing him to halt in his approach with confusion written all over his face.

"Why? What's going on?" Elijah murmured to her gently, though he dared not touch her.

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