Chapter 13: When Morning Comes +18

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By: eternityunicorn

The study was completely ruined. It had been torn apart in the animalistic lovemaking of Elijah and Eternity. There were books, trinkets, and shattered glass scattered across the floor in various places along the walls, where both lovers had found themselves pressed against the shelves and being effectively ridden, at one point or another through the night. Elijah's desk had it's contents thrown about the room as well and worse, the vintage piece of furniture had it's legs broken under the force of Elijah's thrusts as he drove into Eternity's wet warmth from behind. Even the curtains had been partially torn down when he had his lady pressed against the glass, wanting the people of the city to see her being taken by him. She had gripped the fabric of the old curtains so tightly that eventually they came down in the oblivion of the moment.

There was other furniture - chairs and end tables mostly - that had been tossed about when Eternity playfully tried to escape him. Some had been turned over, while others had been torn through on his journey to claim her again. The floor also had been effectively abused, and not just the one time where Elijah's blood and claw marks lay. There were other places too that he had taken her that had been marked by his digging fingers. Her claw marks joined his in a one spot as well.

Yes, the room would need to be mended. However, at the moment, Elijah lay upon the only price of furniture to escape their sexual madness - the couch. Eternity slept peacefully curled upon him with her head and one of her hands against his chest. A blanket that had been on the back of the makeshift bed had been tossed over them haphazardly, before they had passed out together in exhausted bliss.

Elijah had been awake for some time, while Eternity remained sleeping against him. He slowly stroked her hair in his affection for her, as she did. He laid there reminiscing about the wonderfully erotic afternoon and night they had shared together. He could feel himself harden at the memories that danced through his head.

Yes, his love and desire for his lady was indeed insatiable. He had always wanted her, but now that they had crossed this particular line in the reestablishment of their relationship, he could have her at his leisure. He no longer had to hold back, to be patient and chaste. And he didn't plan to. Ever again.

Eventually, Eternity began to stir against him, where she lay between his legs on the couch. She sighed with contented tiredness, despite the good amount of sleep she had gotten. Once Elijah had ceased going after her, that is. He had kept his word to take her over and over again until she begged him to stop. She was hoarse when she finally did.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," whispered Elijah into her hair.

She sighed and groaned as she stretched against him. "Good morning, my love," she murmured in return, her voice still gruff from their prior activities and from sleep. Then she snuggled into him affectionately and sighed again in happy contentment as she settled once more.

He grinned against her head, holding her tightly to him. "My study has been effectively destroyed," he said offhandedly.

Eternity giggled a little, "Yes, so it has. Do not worry, I'll fix it later."

Her voice was lulled and lazy sounding. Elijah found himself completely charmed by it. He had never felt more in love with her, as he did at the moment. He felt a lightness in him that he hadn't felt in a very long time - ten years to be exact. It was like being brought back to life for him after a long period of utter darkness.

"I love you so much, my darling Eternity," he found himself saying.

"I love you too," she replied sleepily.

Just as the moment had felt right to make love to Eternity again, this tender moment felt right to Elijah to make a proposal he had swirling about his head ever since they had started reestablishing their relationship during these last few months. Of course it hadn't been right at first. No, but now it did.

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