Chapter 14: The Demon Possession

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By: eternityunicorn

The newly engaged pair headed down into the courtyard where they heard the voices of Kol, Rebekah, and Freya. The three of them were surrounding one of the outdoor couches and there was a young woman sitting before them, speaking in a language that they didn't know. Elijah's siblings were arguing over what language the woman could be speaking, as he and Eternity came to join them.

"Ah, finally through shagging long enough to help out, eh?" Kol said crossly, upon noticing the new arrivals. "Well, it's about bloody time," the younger Original shouted. Then he leaned over closer to his big brother and his brother's lady to whisper lecherously, "Good show though. Quick the riveting performance." He winked at them, earning a smirk from Eternity and a deep, murderous scowl from Elijah.

Kol immediately straightened at the sight of the latter's reaction and had enough sense to look down sheepishly in response to it.

"We've been trying to figure out what this young woman is saying," Rebekah explained as she turned to Elijah, after having effectively ignored Kol completely. "She stumbled into the compound deliriously, shouting bloody murder in a language we can't recognize. We thought it might be a dialect of Spanish or perhaps Italian, but when we tried to speak in those languages to her, she just stared at us strangely before carrying on as if we hadn't even bothered."

Eternity stepped up to get a closer look and gazed at the strange woman contemplatively. It wasn't long before she became alert and taunt. "Everyone get back!" She shouted quickly, in that authoritative way of hers.

The moment she said that, the stranger began to twist and snarl as if she were possessed. Then her eyes fell upon Eternity, whom had pulled Elijah, Kol, Freya, and Rebekah all behind her protectively. Before their very eyes, the woman turned into a gross, grotesque creature. Having had experience with these types of things, Elijah recognized that the woman had transformed into a demon right away.

"What the bloody hell is that thing?" Rebekah shouted in alarm, as she backed away with the rest of her siblings.

"It's a possession demon," Eternity replied calmly. "A parasite that attaches itself to it's host, in order to hide in plain sight, while feeding on the host's life force."

"Fascinating," Kol chimes in. "How do you kill it?"

The immortal queen turned to look back at him, "You don't, not unless you wish to kill the innocent host too. No, an exorcism is required here. Just keep back and let me handle this."

"Be careful, Sweetheart," Elijah called to her, just as Eternity took steps toward the possessed woman.

The queen nodded back at him, before zeroing in on the enemy before her. She moved cautiously toward the fiend, as it snarled and hissed at her in response. It could instinctually sense the threat, knowing that Eternity meant to harm it.

"If you try to kill me," the creature hissed in a voice blended of the host's and that of the demon itself, "I will simply jump into a new host. Perhaps one of your supernatural friends, of whom you protect? What power I would have, if I take control of one of their bodies. Excuse me, while I drool over the very idea."

"You were sent by your master Bruno," replied Eternity in an almost bored tone, "as a threat to those I care for in a temper tantrum because I outmaneuvered him, keeping the child out of his reach. Rather pathetic really. Besides, do you, demon, actually think that I haven't dealt with one of your kind before? That I don't know how to dispose of you before you can jump bodies?"

The creature grinned toothily, "Well, what if I take control of you, queenie? How would you deal with me then?"

Eternity scoffed, "You are not at all intelligent at all, are you? If you were to invade me, you'd be torn apart, if not by my sheer power, then by the demon that already occupies this vessel. No, to possess me wouldn't be a good idea at all."

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