Chapter 16: The Warning Shot

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By: eternityunicorn

Elijah returned to the loft with the little red velvet box in his pants pocket. He was agitated by the encounter with Céleste, but he refused to let the resurrected witch ruin the planned romantic moment of him giving Eternity the engagement ring and proposing to her properly. No, instead he tried to push the vengeful ex out of his mind as he bound up the stairs from the car, allowing the excitement of what was to come once he was inside overtake the negative headspace he had found himself in after the jewelry shop ordeal.

Once he was through the front door, he found Eternity sitting on the couch. He had only been gone about a quarter of an hour, but the way her face lit up at the sight of him or the way she leapt up from her seat to meet him halfway, one would think he had been gone much longer. Elijah's darker mood had been nearly obliterated by the adorableness of his lady's reaction to his return. There was nothing but light and love in him, as he lifted Eternity into his arms and spun her around a couple of times before setting her back down on her feet.

She giggled girlishly at him and then reached up on her toes to kiss his lips sweetly. "So, where did you get off to exactly, Mr. Mikaelson?" She asked as she pulled away.

Elijah smiled charmingly at her and answered, "I had to go into town to retrieve this."

He pulled the little red velvet box from his pants pocket and showed it to her unopened. Then seeing her curiously look at it, he fluidly bent down on one knee before her and finally opened the box to present the diamond and sapphire engagement ring. She beamed at him in response, but said nothing as of yet, choosing to let him say what he needed to unhindered.

"My lovely Eternity, I didn't do this in a proper way, in one worthy of someone of your caliper," he told her, "but here and now, in a formal fashion, I ask you with all my heart, if you will do me the honor and become my wife. Will you marry me?"

Eternity smiled endlessly. "Well, my love, you already know my answer," she teased him good- naturedly. "However, since this is a formal proposal, let me answer in a formal way: Yes, Elijah Mikaelson, I will marry you."

He grinned happily and placed the piece of jewelry upon the ring finger of her left hand as tradition dictated. Once it was upon her person, Elijah on his feet sweeping her off her feet and into his arms bridal style. She laughed heartily at his antics, before kissing him passionately. Her tongue swept past his lips and tasted him throughly in a devouring fashion that left him weak kneed.

It certainly stirred up his endless desire for her, making his heart beat a little quicker and his cock twitch to life. "Hmm, I want to bed you so badly all over again," he rumbled to her, after pulling his lips away.

Eternity simpered as she played with the short hair at the back of his head, "Then why deny yourself, my love?"

He smirked with slight chuckle, before his mouth reattached to hers with a passion all his own. His tongue dove into her mouth hungrily, craving the taste of her. He was about to move toward the bed and take her as he so desired.

However, just as Elijah was taking those steps toward the soft surface, a loud stomach rumble echoed through the otherwise quiet loft. The sounds of hunger coming from Eternity gave him pause. He once again pulled his mouth from hers, to which she groaned in disappointment and chased after his lips, trying to recapture them.

He evaded the snare by swiftly putting her down onto her feet and gazed at her knowingly, "Perhaps we should return to this later. I believe my lady needs to eat something. You haven't eaten since yesterday, if I recall."

"Aye, while you were dragging me all over the place," she looked at him pointedly and then laughed lightly, as she flashed a playful grin, "we did eat at that charming little cafe."

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