Chapter 11: The Troubled Band

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By: eternityunicorn

Special warning: There is a mention of incest in this chapter! Just a heads up!


Once Eternity was fully recovered, she revealed to Elijah that the vampires that had attacked had been controlled by someone else. It made sense as those creatures did seem rather vacant. They both immediately came to the same conclusion - Bruno. Together they had decided that it had been retaliatory attack upon Eternity as a result of him discovering her game to divert him from finding Hope. Not one meant to kill her or even strike fear into her. It was a simple tantrum from a madman whom wasn't getting what he wanted. At least that was what Eternity had explained to him.

Of course, Eternity had to reassure Elijah that his niece was safe still at the Underground Agency. She explained that Bruno didn't know about the place and even if he had known, he wouldn't be able to get in. Because he trusted her completely, he had immediately calmed and kept himself from getting worked up unnecessarily.

"Bruno is a broken man, lost and unloved with a grave affliction for madness," Eternity told Elijah as they sat at Rousseau's together one afternoon after her recovery.

They had gone there just to get out of the compound as she was feeling stifled after being bedridden for a couple of days. She had found herself restless and caged in. So the quaint little bar was Elijah's solution. A change of scenery was always a help to the cooped up feeling. He had done as he promised to Veren and taken care of her cousin splendidly, ensuring she wanted for nothing in those couple of days she laid in bed and that care continued even after she had recovered.

"Who is Bruno exactly? I know he is your brother, but you've never spoke about him before," Elijah said, as his casually gripped the lip on glass of bourbon in front of him. "I would assume you would have mentioned your psychotic brother at some point in our time together. So why didn't you?"

"Because I was not made aware of him until recently," she replied with a small smile. "The Lady Veren had a bit of an adventure all of her own some years ago. She encountered my mad brother and one other: my twin sister named Kara."

Elijah was surprised by this revelation, having not expected it. It was visible upon his face, he was sure.

Eternity laughed lightly at his reaction and said, "Oh yes, I have another sibling, though a non-mad one."

He sat up a little straighter in his chair, intrigued, "So, what happened?"

"Veren had to free Kara from Bruno," she explained. "The story goes, my brother suffered from dark inclinations early on. He was a dutiful son in the beginning, but only because he believed that he was meant for greatness, meaning that he wanted to be 'the chosen on', the keeper of the ultimate power of the two universes. Then my mother became pregnant again, with Kara and I, and that was when my grandmother had her vision of my 'greatness'; though I'd hardly call it that.

"Anyway, this truth that he wasn't meant to be this might immortal didn't settle well with Bruno and the darkness in him only grew. He plotted against our family, wanting the power he believed was meant for him by any means. Then when my sister and I were born, he decided to steal 'the chosen one', but hadn't anticipated twins. He ended up taking Kara by mistake and raising her. Well, more like abused her. He trained her to be as evil as him, training her to be as powerful as she could be and making her into his personal little assassin.

"However, there was more to it than that. Bruno, in his madness, developed a most disturbing obsession with me, despite us having never met, up until recently that is. He claims he's in love with me, his sister. Since Kara and I look more similarly than others of our family, being twins and all, Bruno not only abused my sister physically and psychologically, but also sexually once she was fully grown. He manipulated her into loving him as a lover would, twisting her into accepting such a disgusting practice by normalizing it. It was all for this obsession with me that Kara suffered these heinous crimes."

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