Chapter 17: Eternity's Confession +18

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By: eternityunicorn

When Gia finally awoke, she was disoriented. She didn't seem to have any idea as to what had happened or how she had gotten to the old loft. She sat up with a start to find herself laying on the couch with Eternity sitting on the opposite one, while Elijah pacing worriedly behind her. He was deeply concerned for the young vampire, afraid for her since someone from his past had decided to hijack her for malicious purposes. Her safety had been compromised and he found that unsettling, to say the least.

"Where is Hel?" The dark beauty asked, looking around the place for Eternity's daughter.

"We do not know," Eternity replied gently. "You came here spelled by some malicious entity. You were not yourself. If I may ask, what is the last thing you remember?"

Gia frowned contemplatively, her brows furrowing in concentration as she did. "Hel and I were enjoying a day of shopping in the Quarter," she replied. "We were just looking around, you know? Not really doing much, besides window shopping in the Quarter. I remember suddenly not feeling very well and Hel screaming my name in a panic, but everything is dark after that - fuzzy. I don't remember anything that came next."

"Well, do not fret about it. The evil done unto you will not be back for a second strike," Eternity told her. "I can promise you that. For now, it is best that we get you back to my daughter. Knowing Hel, she is probably out of her mind with worry. I can see that you two have grown quite close, from your reaction upon waking, and my child is always fiercely protective of those she cares about. It's one of her best qualities." She smiled gently.

Gia nodded with a small, fond smile, "It is. I've really grown to like Hel."

Just then, Eternity's daughter appeared in the room as if she had been summoned. Immediately the younger immortal, whom resembled her mother uncannily, was across the room and embracing Gia on the couch. "Oh, thank the universes that you are alright," she murmured to the other woman.

The female vampire embraced Hel in return with a sigh of relief. It was obvious to Elijah, as well, that the two women had grown quite close in the months since Gia had left his protection. In fact, they looked like the best of friends to him, at first, but then he noticed something surprising as the pair pulled back to gaze at each other. He couldn't see Hel's eyes from his position behind the opposite couch, but his ex-fiancée's were shining with an adoration reserved for lovers.

It seemed love was in the air for the younger immortal and the young vampire. Elijah was happy for Gia. He was glad that someone could help her mend her broken heart since it had been he who broke it.

"I'm sorry, Gia," Hel murmured to the dark beauty. "I didn't mean for harm to come to you."

"It's okay, I'm okay," the female vampire reassured her. "Just take me home, alright, and we'll call it even."

Eternity's daughter nodded and then turned toward her mother, falling to one knee upon the floor in front of her with her head bowed. "Forgive me, Mama," she said. "I have failed in my mission. I swear it won't happen again. I promise you upon the pain of death to be more vigilant in the future."

The immortal queen smiled softly at her child, "There is no need for this extreme apology, daughter. You are young and still coming into your role as a protector. I will however hold you to your promise to be more vigilant. There are many evils about. You must be forever ready for them."

"I swear, Mama," Hel looked up at her mother with a determined look in her eyes.

With one final nod from Eternity, the younger immortal got to her feet and turned back to Gia with an outstretched hand. The vampire smiled widely and took it in her own, letting Hel tug her up from the couch. They turned to exit without further words being exchanged.

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